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Preparing Your Images - Annotating (page 2)
The Title defaults to the image filename without the filetype extension and with spaces substituted for underscores. You can choose whether the Title appears at all or appears above or below the image on the web pages and in the Table of Contents. See Web Options for more details. The Title is also used to set the title of the HTML page. To change the default Title, edit the Title text field.

The Caption appears in italics centered immediately below the image. To enter a caption, type in the Caption text field. If you don't want a caption. leave the Caption field empty.

The Story appears below the image and caption. You can format the story as full rich text (RTF - rich text format), including different fonts, font sizes, text styles and colors. You can also add
hyperlinks to words or phrases within the story.

To enter a story, you can:
• Type text into the Story text field. Use the
Format menu and the Font Dialog to choose fonts, styles, sizes, and colors.
• Drag and drop an RTF file onto the Story text field.

Story Length: Stories can be as long as you want. The width of the story on the web page is set by the width of the image.

Font Usage: Fonts that can appear in a viewer’s browser are limited to the fonts actually installed on that viewer’s computer. So if you use an unusual font in your story, the viewer may only see Arial or Helvetica.
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