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Time Cards

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Rate: This will be automatically filled in with the rate set in the Job tab of the Preferences window. Change it if you have a different rate for this job.

Equity: This will be filled in with the Equity rate set in the
Job tab of the Preferences window. Change it if you have a different rate for this job. To disable any equity calculations, enter 0%. To set a price per share for this job, click the Equity button and enter a value.

Tax: Checking the checkbox will cause tax to added to the billed charges for your time. By default, tax is not added to expenses, although you can make individual expense entries taxable. The tax rate will be filled in with the rate set in the
Jobs tab of the Preferences window. Change it if there's a different rate for this job.

To hide the top part of a time card, click the lozenge in the upper right corner of the window’s title bar.

Client Information
Currency Format
Time Entries
Expense Entries
Deleting Entries
Reordering Entries
Entry Fields
Editng Fields
Calculated Fields

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