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Layers (Placement Front to Back) |
Each graphic has a front to back position on the page. You can imagine that each graphic is on its own sheet of acetate and the page displays all these sheets layered on top of each other. As you create each graphic, it is placed on top of the other graphics. To change this order, use menu commands or icons on the Toolbar. |
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• To bring the selected graphic or graphics to the very front, choose Format->Arrange->Bring to Front (Command->).
• To move the selected graphic or graphics to the back, behind all the other graphics, choose Format->Arrange->Send to Back (Command-<).
• To bring the selected graphic or graphics one position forward, choose Format->Arrange->Bring Closer (Option-Command-,).
• To move the selected graphic or graphics one position further back, choose Format->Arrange->Send Further (Option-Command-.).
• For quick access, you can add layering icons to the Toolbar. You can also use the contextual menu. |