2016 Stone Design News [2016.03.27] Andrew Stone delivers Yosemite CocoaConf speech "How To Fall Asleep Naturally" * VIDEO 2015 Stone Design News [2015.12.07] The Mac Observer's Background Mode interviews Andrew Stone [2015.11.19] From the vault "The Writings of Andrew C. Stone" [2015.06.26] Andrew Stone visits John Perry Barlow "A Cartload Of Bones" [2015.04.21] Andrew Stone delivers Yosemite CocoaConf speech "What's NeXT? Software, Psychedelics, and the Origins of Mac OS X and iOS" [2015.04.01] Albuquerque the Magazine on Andrew Stone April 2015 Issue [2015.03.10] The CIA Campaign to Steal Apple's Secrets [2015.03.10] Strawhorse: Attacking the MacOS and iOS Software Development Kit 2014 Stone Design News [2014.06.07] Andrew Stone delivers AltConf speech "Software in a Time of Surveillance" [2014.05.07] Bandojo - a music app for everyone - ships 2013 Stone Design News [2013.04.17] Andrew Stone details the green Tesla S experience [2013.02.13] Twittelator Neue gets Free Push from PowerOne [2013.01.30] Twittelator Family updates for Twitter's new API 1.1 2012 Stone Design News [2012.11.16] Nettelator for ADN (App.Net) [2012.09.22] Santa Fe New Mexican features Andrew Stone and the Cocoa Conspiracy [2012.09.19] Twittelator Pro and Free for iPhone 5 [2012.09.19] Twittelator Neue for iPhone 5 both full and free! [2012.08.23] Erik Davis interviews Andrew Stone on Expanding Mind - The Cyberdelic Continuum Audio Archive [2012.06.08] Twittelator Neue 2.0 both full and free! [2012.02.13] ZDNet pronounces Neue the best Twitter client for the iPhone. Period. [2012.02.13] Daring Fireball describes Neue as light, not heavy. [2012.01.25] Twittelator Neue - now with Push and Timeline Galleries! 2011 Stone Design News [2011.10.11] Andrew Stone reflects on Steve Job's Passing [2011.10.13] Introducing Twittelator Neue [2011.10.06] Lifting Us Up - Remembering My Friend Steve Jobs by Andrew Stone [2011.06.14] Mac Observer interviews Andrew Stone, App Developer's Obi-Wan [2011.06.07] Business Week article features Andrew Stone [2011.06.04] Twittelator for iPad v1.8 - Shows Twitter Photos, Ready for Authocalypse [2011.06.04] Twittelator Pro and Lite v4.7 - Shows Twitter Photos, Ready for Authocalypse [2011.03.15] Twittelator for iPad v1.7 - Shoot, Edit, Upload Video [2011.03.14] Wired UK interviews Andrew Stone on recent Twitter changes. [2011.03.02] iMaginator v5.0 hits Mac App Store [2011.02.11] Andrew Stone discusses Mac App Store [2011.01.27] Videator 5.0 ships via Mac App Store | Download Now 2010 Stone Design News [2010.05.30] Video interview with the Twittelator with Japanese subtitles [2010.04.06] Twittelator for iPad see screen shots now! [2010.02.12] tweetTV - watch Twitter like TV! cool new app to find top tweeters in any topic! [2010.02.11] Twittelator Pro 3.7: regional trends, mobilizer, OmniFocus integration, Superlists [2010.02.02] Project iPhone Haitian Relief a huge success! [2010.01.13] Twittelator Pro Profits to go to Haiti Rescue - Make a difference today! [2010.01.09] Twittelator Free & Twittelator Pro 3.6: browser, Français, TLists, TextExpander [2010.01.07] Twittelator Pro #10 most blogged about iPhone App in 2009 2009 Stone Design News [2009.12.22] Twittelator Free & Twittelator Pro 3.5: landscape, tweet song, dm conversations, find people [2009.12.01] Twittelator & Twittelator Pro 3.4: lists, free version, geotag, RT, services [2009.11.10] Software Design Magazine interviews Andrew Stone: about being an indie and Twittelator Pro [2009.09.29] Intentionizer: Mobile Mind tuner: by Souljerky and Big Stone Phone [2009.09.29] Twittelator Pro 3.3.1: nearby, spam report, auto retweet, new avatar [2009.09.09] Twittelator Pro 3.2 with custom themes: roll your own! [2009.08.16] Andrew Stone and Cocoa Conspiracy: interviewed by Jeremy Jojola of KOB-TV - NBC affiliate [2009.08.08] Twittelator Pro 3.1 available: with YouTube/TwitVid, Mute and TwitLonger [2009.08.03] Wall Street Journal / New York Times ad features Twittelator Pro: full page! [2009.06.24] MacVoices interviews Andrew Stone on the success of Twittelator Pro [2009.06.17] Stone ships Twittelator Pro 3.0: with Video Tweeting, Maps and more! [2009.06.14] TUAW's video interview with Andrew Stone live from WWDC 2009 [2009.06.13] iCreated: iPhone Art Gallery by David Scott Leibowitz and Big Stone Phone [2009.06.10] Twittelator Pro 2.3 ships: with Audio Tweeting and Blocking [2009.06.10] MacObserver interviews Andrew Stone about all things iPhone [2009.05.28] iPhone app Gesture: gets pumped up by New York Times [2009.05.26] Stone ships Twittelator Pro 2.2.1: ready for the Twitpocalypse! [2009.05.05] Twittelator Pro 2.2: 22 more power features! [2009.04.22] Albuquerque Journal on Andrew Stone 'Twitter Guru' [2009.04.09] Twittelator Pro 2.1 Ship These people just won't stop! [2009.03.12] Twittelator Pro 2.0 Ship Complete makeover and lots of new features! [2009.02.12] MobileMix v1.0 Ships Human Beat Box Music Studio [2009.01.30] TalkingPics µ v 1.3 Ships free version of TalkingPics [2009.01.29] Twittelator Pro 1.6.2 and Twittelator Free 1.3 Ship great new features! [2009.01.18] SoundBite v1.0 Ships a d-i-y sound board app 2008 Stone Design News [2008.12.23] Twittelator Pro 1.6 here for holidays! [2008.12.08] Stone ships TalkingPics 1.3 [2008.11.14] Stone ships Twittelator Pro 1.5 [2008.10.06] Stone ships TalkingPics 1.2 [2008.10.06] Stone ships iGraffiti 1.1 [2008.09.30] Stone ships Twittelator Pro v1.3.1 [2008.09.17] Stone ships Gesture Photos to Paintings [2008.09.01] Stone ships Twittelator Pro [2008.08.20] GeekBrief demos OpenClip for Twittelator and other iPhone Apps (copy/paste!) [2008.08.15] AppCraver interviews Andrew Stone on iPhone Development. [2008.08.04] Big Stone Phone Updates iPhone Apps [2008.07.11] Big Stone Phone ships 3 iPhone Apps! Big Stone Phone iPhone viewable site TalkingPics - record audio, make photos, maps and more! iGraffiti - finger paint your photos and share on the web! Twittelator - free and fun Twitter client for iPhone [2008.07.11] Albuquerque Journal interviews Andrew Stone on iPhone Apps [2008.03.13] About Stone Works March 13 2008 more Create features and licensing fix! [2008.02.12] About Stone Works Feb 12 2008 featuring iMaginator 4.0 and Create 14.2 [2008.02.12] Inside Mac interviews Andrew Stone Enjoy the audio! [2008.02.12] iMaginator 4.0 Ships! Amazing Image Processing and Painting [2008.01.01] Stone Works 2008 Available now! 2007 Stone Design News [2007.11.27] Stone Design Ships Stone Works November 27 2007 Available now! [2007.10.26] Stone Design Announces Shipping Leopard Features in latest Stone Works [2007.10.12] Stone Design ships Create 14.0 tons of new features! [2007.10.12] Stone Design ships latest Stone Works Leopard Ready! [2007.09.12] Stone Design ships Videator 4.1 With new capture engine [2007.06.20] Ars Technica interviews Andrew Stone on all things Cocoa! [2007.06.07] Stone Design ships Videator 4.0 Add as many live input cameras as you like! [2007.03.14] Stone Design ships Create 13.0 and new Stone Works CSS powered and XHMTL Compliant [2007.02.06] Stone Design ships Videator 3.0 and new Stone Works Amazing new features including XaoS fractals, Live Inputs and VJing for INTEL/PPC 2006 Stone Design News [2006.11.30] Stone Design ships StarMores 1.0 the free fractal star generator! [2006.11.03] Stone Design ships Videator 2.2 XaoS fractals, Live Inputs and VJing for INTEL/PPC [2006.10.17] Stone Design ships Videation Nation Free Realtime Video Effects Screen Saver [2006.09.21] MacNN gives Videator 4.5 Stars! Read it: [2006.09.11] Stone Design ships Videator 2.0 Realtime Video Effects and VJing for INTEL/PPC [2006.09.11] Stone Design Ships iMaginator 3.0 - Faster than PhotoShop and native to INTEL! - only $49! [2006.07.17] Stone Works Applications Updated with Free Upgrades! [2006.06.07] MacVoices interviews Andrew Stone [2006.06.01] Maclectic interviews Andrew Stone on Videator and Stone Design [2006.05.23] Stone Design ships Videator 1.0 The amazing realtime video creation app - for INTEL/PPC [2006.03.07] Stone Design ships new Create, PStill and iMaginator New features and free upgrades for users! INTEL/PPC [2006.03.01] Stone Design and ElectricSheep.org do it again to ship Version - awesome free Screen Saver - plays iTunes too! [2006.01.10] Stone Design Ships Intel Versions of Stone Works - Free upgrades for current users! [2006.01.09] Stone Design Ships Pac the Man Editor version 1.0 - and it's free [2006.01.04] Stone Design collaborates with ElectricSheep.org to ship Version 2.6.4 - awesome free Screen Saver 2005 [2005.11.29] Stone Design Ships iMaginator 2.2 with Painting & Unpainting - Faster than PhotoShop! - only $49! [2005.09.26] Exclusive Andrew Stone interview with Irish Printer Magazine [pdf] [2005.07.26] iMaginator 2.0 gets 4.5 stars from MacNN! [2005.07.11] Stone Design Ships iMaginator 2.0 with Painting [2005.07.16] Mac Night Owl interviews Andrew Stone on iMaginator and things (MP3) [2005.06.30] Listen to the Family Tech Show interview with Andrew Stone! (MP3) [2005.06.15] MacWorld reviews iMaginator - 4.5 Mice! [2005.06.01] Stone Design announces iMaginator Contest Winners - come see the art! [2005.05.30] Stone Design Ships PreferenceCommander - preference manager [2005.05.29] Stone Design Ships iMaginator 1.1 for Tiger - Even more Core Image Units! [2005.04.29] Stone Design Ships iMaginator 1.0 for Tiger - Image Processing Made Cheap and Easy! [2005.04.19] Stone Design Announces iMaginator 1.0 for Tiger [2005.01.06] Create 12.3.3 and PStill 4.1 ship with LinkBack [2005.01.06] Create 12.3.1 and PStill 3.6.2 ship - Free Upgrades! 2004 [2004.08.25] Create 12.2, PhotoToWeb 2.1 and PStill 3.4.3 ship [2004.08.25] Stone Design Forum Alive - come see! [2004.06.21] Create 12.0 and PStill 3.4.1 ship with latest Stone Studio [2004.03.15] Announcing the Stone Design Forum! [2004.03.09] Create® 11.4 Ships! - free upgrades of couse [2004.03.09] PStill 3.3.2 Ships - new Seps to Composite module available [2004.02.25] TrueBlue 2 - free font conversion [2004.02.10] Latest Stone Studio - free upgrades / more features! [2004.01.05] Global Warmth Ships! - new way to monitor global weather 2003 [2003.11.24] Stone Studio Pantherized! Newest versions available now [2003.08.13] PStill V 2.8 - more cool features! [2003.08.05] Mac Companion reviews Stone Studio and earns high marks! [2003.07.16] NextEzine Interview with founder Andrew Stone - see page 9 [2003.04.25] FontSight 1.0 ships - Visual Font Menus! [2003.04.21] SJ Mercury: Dan Gillmor interviews Stone CEO [2003.04.02] New Stone Studio & Create® 11.1 & PStilll 2.7 ships! [2003.04.02] New Stone Studio & Create® 11.1 & PStilll 2.7 ships! [2003.01.23] PStill V 2.6 - print directly to PStill! [2003.03.03] Latest Stone Studio & Create 11.0 ships with Free Upgrades! [2003.01.23] PStill V 2.5.3 does Posters! [2003.01.06] PStill V 2.5 ships [2003.01.06] StampInStone V 2.0 ships 2002 [2002.12.13] Latest Stone Studio - Free Upgrades! [2002.11.05] Stone Art Contest 2002 winners annouced! [2002.09.11] Interview with Andrew Stone founder of Stone Design [2002.08.26] Free Upgrades For Life! and new Jaguar versions [2002.07.18] 9/11 Witness E-gallery Opens by Todd Stone [2002.07.16] Stone Design ships TimeEqualMoney V. 2.0 tons of new features [2002.07.16] Stone Design ships PStill V. 2.3 with redistillation [2002.07.16] Stone Design ships latest Stone Studio - new Icons! [2002.07.09] Meet Stone Design at Booth 573 at MWNYC - Free CDs! Winter and Spring 2002 [2002.04.30] Stone Design SHIPS Stone Studio - new versions! [2002.04.04] Stone Design SHIPS iPhoto to PhotoToWeb Exporter PlugIn - it's free! [2002.04.03] Stone Design SHIPS StampInStone - PDF watermarking app [2002.03.11] Stone Design announces StampInStone - PDF watermarking app [02/01/29] Stone Design ships 30 Days Free! - latest Stone Studio [02/01/08] Stone Design ships TrueBlue - a free TrueType to PS font convertor. [02/01/08] Stone Design ships newest Stone Studio - including in Japanese! 2001 News [11/19/01] Stone Design ships DOCtor [11/16/01] Stone Studio ships in Swedish [11/06/01] Stone Studio Online Resources [09/25/01] Stone Studio Adds French and Italian and New Features [08/13/01] Stone Studio Ships In Spanish [07/18/01] Create® Goes International with French, Spanish and German [07/18/01] Free Font Utilities, for PStill [06/05/01] Stone Studio 5 Packs, site licenses and extended low prices! [03/21/01] Stone Studio ships for Macintosh OS X Before OS X [01/09/01] Super Seven Suite available for OS X Public Beta [09/03/00] Wired Article on OS X and Stone Comments Seven Free Apps through 01/01/01! PhotoToWeb 1.0 Ships! Create for X Ships! Fall 1999 Create 5.2 & Stone Web Tools 1.2 Ship! MacWeek on founder Andrew Stone Special Intro Pricing for Create! The Stone Web Tools Suite Ships for Mac OS X Server Create 5.0 Ships for Mac OS X Server! Web Colors Ships Apple Announces Developer Support The Stone Web Tools Suite Ships Create 5.0 Ships on Yellow Box for Windows! Spring 1999 Web Slice & Dice 1.0 Ships Pack Up & Go 1.0 Ships DataPhile Y2K Ships for NeXTStep/OpenStep 1998 Press releases Create 5.0 Ships for OpenStep! The Licenser Kit TM Enhanced! Create 5.0 Ships and 180 days FREE! GIFfun Ships and is FREE! Huge NEXTSTEP Sale of Productivity Apps The Licenser Kit TM Ships Create Yellow Box Available World Press GEEK OF THE WEEK: CEO Andrew Stone Homeboys tackle CyperSpace Andrew Demoing Create Apple: Yellow Box Strategy |
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