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2016 Stone Design News

    • [2016.03.27] Andrew Stone delivers Yosemite CocoaConf speech "How To Fall Asleep Naturally" * VIDEO

2015 Stone Design News

    • [2015.12.07] The Mac Observer's Background Mode interviews Andrew Stone

    • [2015.11.19] From the vault "The Writings of Andrew C. Stone"

    • [2015.06.26] Andrew Stone visits John Perry Barlow "A Cartload Of Bones"

    • [2015.04.21] Andrew Stone delivers Yosemite CocoaConf speech "What's NeXT? Software, Psychedelics, and the Origins of Mac OS X and iOS"

    • [2015.04.01] Albuquerque the Magazine on Andrew Stone April 2015 Issue

    • [2015.03.10] The CIA Campaign to Steal Apple's Secrets

    • [2015.03.10] Strawhorse: Attacking the MacOS and iOS Software Development Kit

2014 Stone Design News

    • [2014.06.07] Andrew Stone delivers AltConf speech "Software in a Time of Surveillance"

    • [2014.05.07] Bandojo - a music app for everyone - ships

2013 Stone Design News

    • [2013.04.17] Andrew Stone details the green Tesla S experience

    • [2013.02.13] Twittelator Neue gets Free Push from PowerOne

    • [2013.01.30] Twittelator Family updates for Twitter's new API 1.1

2012 Stone Design News

    • [2012.11.16] Nettelator for ADN (App.Net)

    • [2012.09.22] Santa Fe New Mexican features Andrew Stone and the Cocoa Conspiracy

    • [2012.09.19] Twittelator Pro and Free for iPhone 5

    • [2012.09.19] Twittelator Neue for iPhone 5 both full and free!

    • [2012.08.23] Erik Davis interviews Andrew Stone on Expanding Mind - The Cyberdelic Continuum Audio Archive

    • [2012.06.08] Twittelator Neue 2.0 both full and free!

    • [2012.02.13] ZDNet pronounces Neue the best Twitter client for the iPhone. Period.

    • [2012.02.13] Daring Fireball describes Neue as light, not heavy.

    • [2012.01.25] Twittelator Neue - now with Push and Timeline Galleries!

2011 Stone Design News

    • [2011.10.11] Andrew Stone reflects on Steve Job's Passing

    • [2011.10.13] Introducing Twittelator Neue

    • [2011.10.06] Lifting Us Up - Remembering My Friend Steve Jobs by Andrew Stone

    • [2011.06.14] Mac Observer interviews Andrew Stone, App Developer's Obi-Wan

    • [2011.06.07] Business Week article features Andrew Stone

    • [2011.06.04] Twittelator for iPad v1.8 - Shows Twitter Photos, Ready for Authocalypse

    • [2011.06.04] Twittelator Pro and Lite v4.7 - Shows Twitter Photos, Ready for Authocalypse

    • [2011.03.15] Twittelator for iPad v1.7 - Shoot, Edit, Upload Video

    • [2011.03.14] Wired UK interviews Andrew Stone on recent Twitter changes.

    • [2011.03.02] iMaginator v5.0 hits Mac App Store

    • [2011.02.11] Andrew Stone discusses Mac App Store

    • [2011.01.27] Videator 5.0 ships via Mac App Store | Download Now

2010 Stone Design News

    • [2010.05.30] Video interview with the Twittelator with Japanese subtitles

    • [2010.04.06] Twittelator for iPad see screen shots now!

    • [2010.02.12] tweetTV - watch Twitter like TV! cool new app to find top tweeters in any topic!

    • [2010.02.11] Twittelator Pro 3.7: regional trends, mobilizer, OmniFocus integration, Superlists

    • [2010.02.02] Project iPhone Haitian Relief a huge success!

    • [2010.01.13] Twittelator Pro Profits to go to Haiti Rescue - Make a difference today!

    • [2010.01.09] Twittelator Free & Twittelator Pro 3.6: browser, Français, TLists, TextExpander

    • [2010.01.07] Twittelator Pro #10 most blogged about iPhone App in 2009

2009 Stone Design News

    • [2009.12.22] Twittelator Free & Twittelator Pro 3.5: landscape, tweet song, dm conversations, find people

    • [2009.12.01] Twittelator & Twittelator Pro 3.4: lists, free version, geotag, RT, services

    • [2009.11.10] Software Design Magazine interviews Andrew Stone: about being an indie and Twittelator Pro

    • [2009.09.29] Intentionizer: Mobile Mind tuner: by Souljerky and Big Stone Phone

    • [2009.09.29] Twittelator Pro 3.3.1: nearby, spam report, auto retweet, new avatar

    • [2009.09.09] Twittelator Pro 3.2 with custom themes: roll your own!

    • [2009.08.16] Andrew Stone and Cocoa Conspiracy: interviewed by Jeremy Jojola of KOB-TV - NBC affiliate

    • [2009.08.08] Twittelator Pro 3.1 available: with YouTube/TwitVid, Mute and TwitLonger

    • [2009.08.03] Wall Street Journal / New York Times ad features Twittelator Pro: full page!

    • [2009.06.24] MacVoices interviews Andrew Stone on the success of Twittelator Pro

    • [2009.06.17] Stone ships Twittelator Pro 3.0: with Video Tweeting, Maps and more!

    • [2009.06.14] TUAW's video interview with Andrew Stone live from WWDC 2009

    • [2009.06.13] iCreated: iPhone Art Gallery by David Scott Leibowitz and Big Stone Phone

    • [2009.06.10] Twittelator Pro 2.3 ships: with Audio Tweeting and Blocking

    • [2009.06.10] MacObserver interviews Andrew Stone about all things iPhone

    • [2009.05.28] iPhone app Gesture: gets pumped up by New York Times

    • [2009.05.26] Stone ships Twittelator Pro 2.2.1: ready for the Twitpocalypse!

    • [2009.05.05] Twittelator Pro 2.2: 22 more power features!

    • [2009.04.22] Albuquerque Journal on Andrew Stone 'Twitter Guru'

    • [2009.04.09] Twittelator Pro 2.1 Ship These people just won't stop!

    • [2009.03.12] Twittelator Pro 2.0 Ship Complete makeover and lots of new features!

    • [2009.02.12] MobileMix v1.0 Ships Human Beat Box Music Studio

    • [2009.01.30] TalkingPics µ v 1.3 Ships free version of TalkingPics

    • [2009.01.29] Twittelator Pro 1.6.2 and Twittelator Free 1.3 Ship great new features!

    • [2009.01.18] SoundBite v1.0 Ships a d-i-y sound board app

2008 Stone Design News

    • [2008.12.23] Twittelator Pro 1.6 here for holidays!

    • [2008.12.08] Stone ships TalkingPics 1.3

    • [2008.11.14] Stone ships Twittelator Pro 1.5

    • [2008.10.06] Stone ships TalkingPics 1.2

    • [2008.10.06] Stone ships iGraffiti 1.1

    • [2008.09.30] Stone ships Twittelator Pro v1.3.1

    • [2008.09.17] Stone ships Gesture Photos to Paintings

    • [2008.09.01] Stone ships Twittelator Pro

    • [2008.08.20] GeekBrief demos OpenClip for Twittelator and other iPhone Apps (copy/paste!)

    • [2008.08.15] AppCraver interviews Andrew Stone on iPhone Development.

    • [2008.08.04] Big Stone Phone Updates iPhone Apps

    • [2008.07.11] Big Stone Phone ships 3 iPhone Apps!

            Big Stone Phone
            iPhone viewable site

                        TalkingPics - record audio, make photos, maps and more!
                        iGraffiti - finger paint your photos and share on the web!
                        Twittelator - free and fun Twitter client for iPhone

    • [2008.07.11] Albuquerque Journal interviews Andrew Stone on iPhone Apps

    • [2008.03.13] About Stone Works March 13 2008
        more Create features and licensing fix!

    • [2008.02.12] About Stone Works Feb 12 2008
        featuring iMaginator 4.0 and Create 14.2

    • [2008.02.12] Inside Mac interviews Andrew Stone
        Enjoy the audio!

    • [2008.02.12] iMaginator 4.0 Ships!
        Amazing Image Processing and Painting

    • [2008.01.01] Stone Works 2008
        Available now!

2007 Stone Design News

    • [2007.11.27] Stone Design Ships Stone Works November 27 2007
        Available now!

    • [2007.10.26] Stone Design Announces Shipping Leopard Features
        in latest Stone Works

    • [2007.10.12] Stone Design ships Create 14.0
        tons of new features!

    • [2007.10.12] Stone Design ships latest Stone Works
        Leopard Ready!

    • [2007.09.12] Stone Design ships Videator 4.1
        With new capture engine

    • [2007.06.20] Ars Technica interviews Andrew Stone
        on all things Cocoa!

    • [2007.06.07] Stone Design ships Videator 4.0
        Add as many live input cameras as you like!

    • [2007.03.14] Stone Design ships Create 13.0 and new Stone Works
        CSS powered and XHMTL Compliant

    • [2007.02.06] Stone Design ships Videator 3.0 and new Stone Works
        Amazing new features including XaoS fractals, Live Inputs and VJing for INTEL/PPC

2006 Stone Design News

    • [2006.11.30] Stone Design ships StarMores 1.0
        the free fractal star generator!

    • [2006.11.03] Stone Design ships Videator 2.2
        XaoS fractals, Live Inputs and VJing for INTEL/PPC

    • [2006.10.17] Stone Design ships Videation Nation
        Free Realtime Video Effects Screen Saver

    • [2006.09.21] MacNN gives Videator 4.5 Stars!
                Read it:

    • [2006.09.11] Stone Design ships Videator 2.0
        Realtime Video Effects and VJing for INTEL/PPC

    • [2006.09.11] Stone Design Ships iMaginator 3.0
         - Faster than PhotoShop and native to INTEL! - only $49!

    • [2006.07.17] Stone Works Applications Updated with Free Upgrades!
    • [2006.06.07] MacVoices interviews Andrew Stone
    • [2006.06.01] Maclectic interviews Andrew Stone on Videator
        and Stone Design

    • [2006.05.23] Stone Design ships Videator 1.0
        The amazing realtime video creation app - for INTEL/PPC

    • [2006.03.07] Stone Design ships new Create, PStill and iMaginator
        New features and free upgrades for users! INTEL/PPC

    • [2006.03.01] Stone Design and do it again to ship
        Version - awesome free Screen Saver - plays iTunes too!

    • [2006.01.10] Stone Design Ships Intel Versions of Stone Works
         - Free upgrades for current users!

    • [2006.01.09] Stone Design Ships Pac the Man Editor version 1.0
         - and it's free

    • [2006.01.04] Stone Design collaborates with to ship
        Version 2.6.4 - awesome free Screen Saver

    • [2005.11.29] Stone Design Ships iMaginator 2.2 with Painting & Unpainting
         - Faster than PhotoShop! - only $49!

    • [2005.09.26] Exclusive Andrew Stone interview with Irish Printer Magazine [pdf]
    • [2005.07.26] iMaginator 2.0 gets 4.5 stars from MacNN!
    • [2005.07.11] Stone Design Ships iMaginator 2.0 with Painting
    • [2005.07.16] Mac Night Owl interviews Andrew Stone on iMaginator and things (MP3)
    • [2005.06.30] Listen to the Family Tech Show interview with Andrew Stone! (MP3)
    • [2005.06.15] MacWorld reviews iMaginator - 4.5 Mice!
    • [2005.06.01] Stone Design announces iMaginator Contest Winners - come see the art!
    • [2005.05.30] Stone Design Ships PreferenceCommander - preference manager

    • [2005.05.29] Stone Design Ships iMaginator 1.1 for Tiger
         - Even more Core Image Units!

    • [2005.04.29] Stone Design Ships iMaginator 1.0 for Tiger
         - Image Processing Made Cheap and Easy!

    • [2005.04.19] Stone Design Announces iMaginator 1.0 for Tiger
    • [2005.01.06] Create 12.3.3 and PStill 4.1 ship with LinkBack
    • [2005.01.06] Create 12.3.1 and PStill 3.6.2 ship - Free Upgrades!

    • [2004.08.25] Create 12.2, PhotoToWeb 2.1 and PStill 3.4.3 ship
    • [2004.08.25] Stone Design Forum Alive - come see!

    • [2004.06.21] Create 12.0 and PStill 3.4.1 ship with latest Stone Studio
    • [2004.03.15] Announcing the Stone Design Forum!
    • [2004.03.09] Create® 11.4 Ships! - free upgrades of couse
    • [2004.03.09] PStill 3.3.2 Ships - new Seps to Composite module available

    • [2004.02.25] TrueBlue 2 - free font conversion
    • [2004.02.10] Latest Stone Studio - free upgrades / more features!
    • [2004.01.05] Global Warmth Ships! - new way to monitor global weather

    • [2003.11.24] Stone Studio Pantherized! Newest versions available now
    • [2003.08.13] PStill V 2.8 - more cool features!
    • [2003.08.05] Mac Companion reviews Stone Studio and earns high marks!
    • [2003.07.16] NextEzine Interview with founder Andrew Stone - see page 9
    • [2003.04.25] FontSight™ 1.0 ships - Visual Font Menus!
    • [2003.04.21] SJ Mercury: Dan Gillmor interviews Stone CEO

    • [2003.04.02] New Stone Studio & Create® 11.1 & PStilll™ 2.7 ships!
    • [2003.04.02] New Stone Studio & Create® 11.1 & PStilll™ 2.7 ships!
    • [2003.01.23] PStill V 2.6 - print directly to PStill!
    • [2003.03.03] Latest Stone Studio & Create 11.0 ships with Free Upgrades!
    • [2003.01.23] PStill V 2.5.3 does Posters!
    • [2003.01.06] PStill V 2.5 ships
    • [2003.01.06] StampInStone V 2.0 ships

    • [2002.12.13] Latest Stone Studio - Free Upgrades!
    • [2002.11.05] Stone Art Contest 2002 winners annouced!
    • [2002.09.11] Interview with Andrew Stone founder of Stone Design
    • [2002.08.26] Free Upgrades For Life! and new Jaguar versions

    • [2002.07.18] 9/11 Witness E-gallery Opens by Todd Stone
    • [2002.07.16] Stone Design ships TimeEqualMoney V. 2.0 tons of new features
    • [2002.07.16] Stone Design ships PStill V. 2.3 with redistillation
    • [2002.07.16] Stone Design ships latest Stone Studio™ - new Icons!
    • [2002.07.09] Meet Stone Design at Booth 573 at MWNYC - Free CDs!

Winter and Spring 2002
    • [2002.04.30] Stone Design SHIPS Stone Studio™ - new versions!
    • [2002.04.04] Stone Design SHIPS iPhoto to PhotoToWeb Exporter PlugIn™ - it's free!
    • [2002.04.03] Stone Design SHIPS StampInStone™ - PDF watermarking app
    • [2002.03.11] Stone Design announces StampInStone™ - PDF watermarking app
    • [02/01/29] Stone Design ships 30 Days Free! - latest Stone Studio
    • [02/01/08] Stone Design ships TrueBlue - a free TrueType to PS font convertor.
    • [02/01/08] Stone Design ships newest Stone Studio™ - including in Japanese!

2001 News
    • [11/19/01] Stone Design ships DOCtor
    • [11/16/01] Stone Studio™ ships in Swedish
    • [11/06/01] Stone Studio™ Online Resources
    • [09/25/01] Stone Studio™ Adds French and Italian and New Features
    • [08/13/01] Stone Studio™ Ships In Spanish
    • [07/18/01] Create® Goes International with French, Spanish and German
    • [07/18/01] Free Font Utilities, for PStill™
    • [06/05/01] Stone Studio 5 Packs, site licenses and extended low prices!
    • [03/21/01] Stone Studio ships for Macintosh OS X

Before OS X
    • [01/09/01] Super Seven Suite available for OS X Public Beta
    • [09/03/00] Wired Article on OS X and Stone Comments

    • Seven Free Apps through 01/01/01!
    • PhotoToWeb 1.0 Ships!
    • Create for X Ships!

Fall 1999
    • Create 5.2 & Stone Web Tools 1.2 Ship!
    • MacWeek on founder Andrew Stone
    • Special Intro Pricing for Create!
    • The Stone Web Tools Suite Ships for Mac OS X Server
    • Create 5.0
Ships for Mac OS X Server!
    • Web Colors Ships
    • Apple Announces Developer Support
    • The Stone Web Tools Suite Ships
    • Create 5.0 Ships on Yellow Box for Windows!

Spring 1999
    • Web Slice & Dice 1.0 Ships
    • Pack Up & Go 1.0 Ships
    • DataPhile Y2K Ships for NeXTStep/OpenStep

1998 Press releases
    • Create 5.0 Ships for OpenStep!
    • The Licenser Kit TM Enhanced!
    • Create 5.0
Ships and 180 days FREE!
    • GIFfun Ships and is
    • Huge
NEXTSTEP Sale of Productivity Apps
    • The Licenser Kit TM
    • Create
Yellow Box Available

World Press
    • GEEK OF THE WEEK: CEO Andrew Stone
    • Homeboys tackle CyperSpace
    • Andrew
Demoing Create
    • Apple: Yellow Box

©2000 - 2013 Stone Design top