For Immediate Release
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Katie Graunke
TEL: 505-345-4800
FAX: 505-345-3424
Stone Design Ships DOCtor
- free .DOC to .pdf conversion
Albuquerque, November 19, 2001 - Stone Design today announced the online availibility of DOCtor™ for Mac OS X. DOCtor is a free application to convert Microsoft WORD documents, ".doc"'s, into PostScript and PDF. DOCtor is distributed under the GNU Public License, and is based on the GPL effort antiword by Adri van OS.
According to Stone Design CEO Andrew Stone, "After years of frustration of dealing with .doc files that WORD users assume you can read, Stone Design created this friendly frontend that allows you to drag and drop WORD documents onto the DOCtor application and in conjunction with the Stone Studio, instantly view or print the document."
If Stone Design's PStill is installed, then DOCtor will further convert the PostScript into Mac OS X viewable PDF, which is then displayed by Stone Design's Create® or Preview.
CEO Stone notes "Following the GPL tradition, the source code for DOCtor is freely available. This application was built in one afternoon using Apple's powerful Cocoa development environment."
DOCtor Home Page
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DOCtor Source
antiword Home Page
Stone Design Corporation of Albuquerque, New Mexico, was incorporated in 1984 and was the first developer to ship a product on NeXT hardware in 1989 with the release of TextArt. Since then, Stone Design has been a leader in innovative shrinkwrap software in the NEXTSTEP/OpenStep/Mac OS X Server marketplace. Create® - the high end drawing and web page making package - is Mac OS X's first Cocoa native design application. Create®, PhotoToWeb®, GIFfun™, SliceAndDice™, TimeEqualsMoney™ and PackUpAndGo™ are Stone Design trademarks. Create is a registered trademark of Stone Design Corporation.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
UNIX is a registered trademark of the X/Open Company, Ltd.
Postscript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Other names are trademarked by their respective companies.