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Web Output - Modifying Existing Web Pages
To overwrite an existing folder hierarchy, choose Web -> Create Web Pages… (Shift-Command-C) and navigate to the folder you want to overwrite. Select any .html file in that folder and click OK. You’ll get a warning panel asking if you really want to replace that file. If you click Replace, the newly generated files will replace old files with the same name.

If you’ve only modified the annotations on your images and haven’t changed any of the image options, overwrite the existing hierarchy as described above and check the No Photos - Just HTML checkbox. The image files will not be replaced. This can save a lot of time; the image files take longer to generate than the HTML pages.

If you’ve only modified one image and/or the annotations on one image, choose to overwrite the existing hierarchy as described above, and click the This photo only radio button. Only the HTML and image files for the currently selected image will be generated. If you click the This photo only radio button and check the No Photos - Just HTML checkbox, only the HTML for the current image will be generated.
Web Output
Creating Pages
Modifying Pages
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Image Prep
Web Options
Album Styles
Web Output
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