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Album Styles - Saving Styles (page 2)
Each album style can have a name, a description and a custom icon.

To change the name and description, edit the Name and Description text fields.

To add a custom icon, drag an image file from the Finder or an application that supports drag and drop to the icon image well in the Album Styles window.
Hint: Here’s an easy way to get an icon representing an album style: Display a page from your album in your web browser. Choose File -> Print and then choose to print to a file. In IE, you can choose to print the background as well as the contents. Drag the resulting PDF file into the image well in the Album Styles window. The image will be scaled to fit the album style tile.

To delete a saved album style from the Album Styles window, select the album style by clicking on its tile, and click the Remove… button. You will be warned that this operation cannot be undone and asked to confirm the deletion.

Album Styles
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