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Group: Group Scaleable |
Description: A Group is a single graphic made up of other graphics. While they are in a group, the graphics are not individually editable, but are treated like a graphic.
Note: Groups can contain other groups.
Creation: Select two or more graphics and choose Object->Group->Group Scaleable (Command-G). To ungroup the graphics, choose Object->Ungroup (Shift-Command-G).
• When you group objects, the group is placed at the level of the topmost object in the group.
Modification: When you resize or scale a group, you are affecting all the component objects. To edit objects individually, choose Object->Ungroup (Shift-Command-G) first.
Object Info: Graphic Name
Effects: Stroke and Fill
Aftereffects: Matrix, Rose
HTML Output: An image of the type set in Web->Web Options…->Misc |
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