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Save PStill “Preference Sets” to the folders
1. Choose “PStill -> Preferences”
2. For each folder, do:
    a. Choose desired set from Preference Sets popup
    b. Choose “Save current...”
    c. Navigate in Save Panel to the target folder
    d. Click “Save”

3. A new .pPref file will be placed in the target folder. This will determine the options for any conversion. This is a standard plist file that can be edited with any text editor:

ActionFit = 0;
BWImageDPI = 150;
BinaryCompression = YES;
CenterWindow = NO;
ControlScript = “”;
CreateJPEG = 0;
DefaultOutput = 0;
DownsampleImages = NO;
FlateCompress = YES;
GammaCorrection = “1.0”;
HideMenubar = NO;
HideToolbar = 0;
HideWindowUI = NO;
ImageDPI = 72;
IncludeFonts = YES;
IncludeStandardFonts = NO;
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