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PStill Preferences: Misc - 2
Default Location Of Output PDF
So you can easily drag and drop PS/EPS files, PStill tries to be smart about naming the output file, and where it locates it.

To place the PDF output files with the input files, select Same folder as input file.

To choose another location for your PDF output files, select the second radio button. Click the Set button to bring up a standard Open dialog, or type a full pathname to an existing, writeable folder on your computer or network.

Empty Pages

To choose whether or not you want your output to include any empty pages in the original input, use these radio buttons. The default is to omit empty pages.

Flate Compression

These options control the compression algorithm used when you check Flate Compress in the Output Options tab.

Use binary: Gives you a smaller output stream. We recommend that you leave it on.

Maximum compression: Check this if you’re willing to let PStill spend more time processing in exchange for a smaller output file.

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