Developers can write simple code to convert EPS and PS files to PDF using the PStill engine. Here's how:
1. Include the following Protocol as a .h file:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#define PStillFilterServer ([NSString stringWithFormat:@"PStillFilterServer-%@",[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] hostName]])
@protocol PStillVended
// 0 = success anything else = failure
// caller's responsibility to make sure outputFile is writeable and not existing!
- (int)convertFile:(NSString *)inputFile toPDFFile:(NSString *)outputFile deleteInput:(BOOL)deleteInput;
// you can also convert many files to one single PDF with this one:
- (int)convertFiles:(NSArray *)fullPathsToFiles toPDFFile:(NSString *)outputFile deleteInput:(BOOL)deleteInput;