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Working with Graphics

Adding Graphics
Selecting Graphics (page 3)
To add objects to a selection:
Press the Shift key while clicking on graphics you want to add to your selection. (Note: if you press the Shift key while clicking on a selected object, that object will be deselected.)
Press the Shift key while dragging a selection rectangle over the objects you want to add to the selection. (Note: objects that are already selected will be deselected.)

To remove objects from a selection:
Press the Shift key while clicking on selected objects. The objects will be deselected.
Press the Shift key while dragging a selection rectangle over selected objects that you want to remove from the selection. If you also press the Option key, the objects must be totally enclosed by the selection rectangle in order to be deselected.
Note: The Shift key acts as a toggle: unselected objects will be selected and selected objects will be deselected.

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