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For Immediate Release
For more information, please contact:
Katie Graunke
TEL: 505-345-4800
FAX: 505-345-3424 | |
Stone Design Ships TimeEqualsMoney 2.0
New York City, July 16, 2002 - Stone Design, the oldest and original Mac OS X software house, today announced immediate availability of a completely revised version of TimeEqualsMoney™, the first native OS X time tracking and billing application. TimeEqualsMoney can now track and bill for expenses, pause time entries, and summarize information for multiple clients and projects.
Stone Design CEO Andrew Stone says, “Our users really like TimeEqualsMoney because of its simplicity. Our goal in this revision was to keep the simplicity, while adding the most requested features. Users wanted to track expenses and pause and resume their tasks, and now they can.” |
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Additional new features include automatically-generated invoice numbers, the ability to change the text used in invoices, reports, and summaries, to set the font used for invoices, to sort expense and time entries on any column, to rearrange the columns on time cards, and to generate reports on multiple time cards. In addition, TimeEqualsMoney now gives users more control over data exports and has added support for additional email applications.
Stone added, “The legal industry is one of our largest customers for TimeEqualsMoney. Attorneys have provided us with the most requests for features, and we’re pleased to be able to offer these enhancements at no charge to current customers.” | |
TimeEqualMoney 2.0’s feature set includes:
• Track time to the minute
• Enter “NOW” for start / stop times with stop-watch feature
• Pause and resume individual time entries
• Choose whether resuming one time entry will pause others
• Track expenses like mileage and other hard costs
• Set taxable items and variable tax rates
• Assign different rates for individual time entries
• Track payment in “Equity” and stock shares as well as cash
• Assign file/folder to any entry to document work
• Easily reorder your time and expense entries
• Sort time and expense entries on any column
• Rearrange the columns on your time cards
• Instantly invoice unpaid time and expense entries
• Automatically add sequential invoice numbers to invoices
• Fully control the text in invoices and reports
• Set font used in invoices and reports
• Add your company logo to Rich Text invoices
• Generate reports on any time period
• Generate reports and or summaries on multiple time cards
• Save, email and print your invoices and reports
• Transfer invoices to Create® for further editing and layout
• Export your data for use in databases and spreadsheets
• Work in any currency, with quick popup for $,€,£, & ¥
• Available in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian,
Dutch, Danish, Swedish & Japanese
• Hide the static information on a card with Lozenge button
• Updated searchable online help and printable PDF help |
TimeEqualsMoney 2.0 is a free upgrade to current owners and can be downloaded on line with a 30 day free trial license. It can be purchased on line from the Stone Store for $49. TimeEqualsMoney is also part of Stone Studio™, Stone Design’s suite of graphic and productivity applications for only $299.
Stone Design Corporation of Albuquerque, New Mexico, was incorporated in 1984 and was the first developer to ship a product on NeXT hardware in 1989 with the release of TextArt. Since then, Stone Design has been a leader in innovative shrinkwrap software in the NEXTSTEP/OpenStep/Mac OS X Server marketplace. Create® - the high end drawing and web page making package - is Mac OS X’s first Cocoa native design application. Create®, PhotoToWeb®, GIFfun™, SliceAndDice™, TimeEqualsMoney™ and PackUpAndGo™ are Stone Design trademarks. Other names are trademarked by their respective companies. |