For Immediate Release
For more information, please contact:
Katie Graunke
TEL: 505-345-4800
FAX: 505-345-3424
Stone Design Ships PStill 3.3.2
Albuquerque, March 10, 2004 - Stone Design, the oldest Native OS X software house, today shipped a new version of PStill™, its user friendly PostScript® to Portable Document Format (PDF) conversion program that does much, much more.
PStill provides automated PDF Workflow, and can repurpose and shrink printed output from every Mac OS X application. PStill’s watched folders can have custom preference sets to repurpose the PDF for specific purposes. PStill is server based and you can make the watched folders available on the network.
Download PStill:
This version features a separately available Separations to Composite module. Print houses which have individual separated plates as a multipage PostScript file can have PStill’s S2C engine create a single, composite PDF. This module costs $1500 - contact info@stone.com for more info.
Conversion Features:
- Drag and drop conversion: files or folders
- Converts EPS (even with Preview) to PDF
- Converts PS to PDF easily
- Converts image files (TIFF, GIF, JPG, PNG, etc.) to PDF
- Converts PDF files to smaller PDF files [save 50-70%!]
- Combines multiple PS, PDF, or image files into one PDF document
- Make secure PDF, controlling what can be seen, printed, modified
- Tile posters instantly to any size
- Create compliant PDF/X:1a and PDF/X:3
- Tries to guess page size from DSC comments
- Handle Overprinting
- Preflight Overprinting
- Handle Spot Colors
- Preserves the layout as best as possible
- Converts graphics color model automatically to CMYK
- Automatically sizes EPS files
- Handles font subsetting - embeds just glyphs used to save space
- Recycles images - same image even if scaled or rotated output only once
- Accepts Type 1, Type 3, & Type 4 fonts
- Outputs full or subsetted Type 1 in PDF results
- Embeds unincludable fonts automatically as paths or bitmaps
- Skips totally empty pages in PDF output
- Proven and reliable conversion engine since 1992
- Make grayscale PDF
- Developers can use the PStill engine via interapplication communication
- Illustrator, Freehand, and other files without EPS/PS file endings are converted
- Normalize (also called flattening) EPS and PS
- A complete scripting language for N-up, booklet, custom tasks production
For more info on PStill™ - visit
http://www.stone.com/PStill and read our BLOG:
Stone Design Corporation of Albuquerque, New Mexico, was incorporated in 1984 and was the first developer to ship a product on NeXT hardware in 1989 with the release of TextArt. Since then, Stone Design has been a leader in innovative shrinkwrap software in the NEXTSTEP/OpenStep/Mac OS X Server marketplace. Create(R) - the high end drawing and web page making package - is Mac OS X’s first Cocoa native design application. Create(R), PhotoToWeb(R), GIFfun(tm), SliceAndDice(tm), TimeEqualsMoney(tm) and PackUpAndGo(tm) are Stone Design trademarks. Other names are trademarked by their respective companies.