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Here's a class you can add to your apps to which allows users to reorder the items in a tableView by dragging them.

    To use:
1. Add SDTableView.[hm] and SDMovingRowsProtocol.h to your project
2. Open your document nib file in Interface Builder
3. Drag in SDTableView.h into the Classes window
4. Select the NSTableView in the nib file
5. Bring up the Inspector
6. Choose "Custom Class"
7. Select "SDTableView"
8. Make your delegate class conform to the SDMovingRowsProtocol
    so that the data gets reordered after the drag

// SDMovingRowsProtocol.h
// (C) Copyright 1989-1999 Andrew C. Stone and Stone Design Corp
// All rights reserved. You can use this code, but please leave credit.

@class SDTableView;

@protocol SDMovingRowsProtocol

// Which key modifiers enable reordering? OR them together
// exp: return (NSCommandKeyMask|NSAlternateKeyMask);
// if you want the default behaviour to alas drag cells
// pass this pack for

#define DRAG_ALWAYS    0
- (unsigned int)dragReorderingMask:(int)forColumn;

// Delegate called after the reordering of cells, you must reorder your data.
// Returning YES will cause the table to be reloaded.
- (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)tv didDepositRow:(int)rowToMove at:(int)newPosition;

// This gives you a chance to decline to drop particular rows on other particular
// row. Return YES if you don't care
- (BOOL) tableView:(SDTableView *)tableView draggingRow:(int)draggedRow overRow:(int) targetRow;

// This is optional: the delegate can decide whether it wants to allow a
// particular row to be moved

//- (BOOL) tableView:(SDTableView *)tableView rowWillMove:(int)draggedRow;

// This is optional: the delegate can return an image representing a row

//- (NSImage *)tableView:(SDTableView *)tableView imageForRow:(int)aRow;

// This is optional: the delegate can refuse to drop a row over another row

// - (BOOL) tableView:(SDTableView *)tableView willDepositRow:(int) rowToMove at:(int) newPosition;


// SDTableView.h
// (C) Copyright 1989-1999 Andrew C. Stone and Stone Design Corp
// All rights reserved. You can use this code, but please leave credit.

#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>

@interface SDTableView : NSTableView
    BOOL needsControlKey;    // YES if the user needs to hold the control key
// to instigate dragging
    BOOL constrainedMove;    // YES if the user wants to constrain the row to
// the view
    int draggedRow;
    NSImage *rowCache;
    NSImage *tableCache;

- (BOOL)startRow:(int)start endedAt:(int)end;
- (void)setConstrainedMove:(BOOL)flag;
- (void)setNeedsControlKey:(BOOL)flag;


@interface NSObject(SDTableViewDelegate)

- (BOOL) tableView:(SDTableView *)tableView rowWillMove:(int)draggedRow;
- (NSImage *)tableView:(SDTableView *)tableView imageForRow:(int)aRow;
- (BOOL) tableView:(SDTableView *)tableView willDepositRow:(int) rowToMove at:(int) newPosition;


// SDTableView.m
// (C) Copyright 1989-1999 Andrew C. Stone and Stone Design Corp
// All rights reserved. You can use this code, but please leave credit.

#import "SDTableView.h"
#import "SDMovingRowsProtocol.h"

@interface SDTableView(Private)

- (NSImage *)imageForRow:(int)aRow;
- (void)drawTableCache:(NSRect)rowRect;
- (void)drawRowCache:(NSRect)rowRect;
- sizeCacheWindow:cacheImage to:(NSSize)windowSize;
- (void)grabTableBits;


static NSString *PrivateDragPboard = @"SDTableViewPrivatePBoardType";

extern NSEvent *periodicEventWithLocationSetToPoint(NSEvent *oldEvent, NSPoint point) {
    return [NSEvent otherEventWithType:[oldEvent type] location:point modifierFlags:[oldEvent modifierFlags] timestamp:[oldEvent timestamp] windowNumber:[oldEvent windowNumber] context:[oldEvent context] subtype:[oldEvent subtype] data1:[oldEvent data1] data2:[oldEvent data2]];

@implementation SDTableView

- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent {return YES;}

- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)fr
    [super initWithFrame:fr];
    [self registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:PrivateDragPboard]];
    return self;

- (id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder
    [super initWithCoder:aCoder];
    [self registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:PrivateDragPboard]];
    return self;

- (void)copy:sender
[[self delegate]copy:self];

- (void)cut:sender
    [[self delegate]cut:self];

- (void)paste:sender
    [[self delegate]paste:self];

- (BOOL)startRow:(int)start endedAt:(int)end
    if (end == -1) return NO;
    if (end == start) return NO;
    if ([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:@selector(tableView:willDepositRow:at:)] && ![[self delegate] tableView:self willDepositRow:start at:end])
        return NO;

    // okay to change

    if ([[self delegate] tableView:self didDepositRow:start at:end]) {
        [self reloadData];
        [self selectRow:end byExtendingSelection:NO];
        return YES;

    return NO;


#define MOVE_MASK NSLeftMouseUpMask|NSLeftMouseDraggedMask

- (BOOL)constrainedMove:(NSEvent *)theEvent
    NSPoint        mouseDownLocation, mouseUpLocation, mouseLocation;
    int            newRow;
    NSRect        visibleRect, rowRect;
    NSImage         *image = nil;
    NSWindow        *wind = [self window];

    float        dy, dx;
    NSEvent         *peek,*event;
    BOOL        scrolled = NO;
    BOOL inTimerLoop = NO;

// find the cell that got clicked on and select it
    mouseDownLocation = [theEvent locationInWindow];
    mouseDownLocation = [self convertPoint:mouseDownLocation fromView:nil];
    draggedRow = [self rowAtPoint:mouseDownLocation];

    // this forces text editing to end
    [wind makeFirstResponder:wind];

    [self selectRow:draggedRow byExtendingSelection:NO];

    // this makes sure we get the whole row into the image
    [self scrollRowToVisible:draggedRow];

    // this makes sure the display is up to date
    [self display];

    // copy what's currently visible into the table cache
    tableCache = [self sizeCacheWindow:tableCache to:[self visibleRect].size];
    [self grabTableBits];

    // get the image of the table row
    // first, give the delegate a chance to supply an image
    if ([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:@selector(tableView:imageForRow:)])
        image = [[self delegate] tableView:self imageForRow:draggedRow];

    // otherwise, get our own image (the image of the whole row)
    if (!image) image = [self imageForRow:draggedRow];
    rowCache = image;

    rowRect = [self rectOfRow:draggedRow];

    // save the mouse's location relative to the cell's origin */
    dy = mouseDownLocation.y - rowRect.origin.y;
    dx = mouseDownLocation.x - rowRect.origin.x;

    // we're now interested in mouse dragged events
    [wind setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];

// from now on we'll be drawing into ourself
//    [[NSApp handCursor] push];
    [self lockFocus];

    event = theEvent;


    while ([event type] != NSLeftMouseUp) {

     // erase the active cell using the image in the matrix cache
        visibleRect = [self visibleRect];

        [self drawTableCache:rowRect];

     // move the active row
        mouseLocation = [event locationInWindow];
        mouseLocation = [self convertPoint:mouseLocation fromView:nil];
        rowRect.origin.y = mouseLocation.y - dy;
        rowRect.origin.x = mouseLocation.x - dx;

     // constrain the row's location to our bounds
        if (NSMinY(rowRect) < NSMinX([self bounds]) ) {
            rowRect.origin.y = NSMinX([self bounds]);
        } else if (NSMaxY(rowRect) > NSMaxY([self bounds])) {
            rowRect.origin.y = NSHeight([self bounds]) - NSHeight(rowRect);
        if (NSMinX(rowRect) < NSMinY([self bounds]) ) {
            rowRect.origin.x = NSMinY([self bounds]);
        } else if (NSMaxX(rowRect) > NSMaxX([self bounds])) {
            rowRect.origin.x = NSWidth([self bounds]) - NSWidth(rowRect);

     // make sure the cell will be entirely visible in its new location (if
     // we're in a scrollView, it may not be)

        if (!NSContainsRect(visibleRect , rowRect)) {    

         // the cell won't be entirely visible, so scroll, dood, scroll, but
         // don't display on-screen yet

            [[self window] disableFlushWindow];
            [self scrollRectToVisible:rowRect];
            [[self window] enableFlushWindow];

         // copy the new image to the matrix cache
            [self grabTableBits];

         // note that we scrolled and start generating timer events for
         // autoscrolling

            scrolled = YES;
                [NSEvent startPeriodicEventsAfterDelay:0.1 withPeriod:0.1];
                inTimerLoop = YES;

        } else {
            // don't need to scroll
                [NSEvent stopPeriodicEvents];
                inTimerLoop = NO;

     // composite the active cell's image on top of ourself

        [self drawRowCache:rowRect];

     // now show what we've done
        [[self window] flushWindow];

     // if we autoscrolled, flush any lingering window server events to make
     // the scrolling smooth

     // save the current mouse location, just in case we need it again
        mouseLocation = [event locationInWindow];

        if (!(peek = [[self window] nextEventMatchingMask:MOVE_MASK untilDate:[NSDate date] inMode:NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode dequeue:NO])) {
            event = [[self window] nextEventMatchingMask:MOVE_MASK|NSPeriodicMask];
        } else {
            event = [[self window] nextEventMatchingMask:MOVE_MASK];
     // if a timer event, mouse location isn't valid, so we'll set it
        if ([event type] == NSPeriodic) {
            event = periodicEventWithLocationSetToPoint(event, mouseLocation);


    // END LOOP

// mouseUp, so stop any timer and unlock focus
    if (scrolled && inTimerLoop) {
        [NSEvent stopPeriodicEvents];
        inTimerLoop = NO;
        scrolled = NO;
    [self unlockFocus];

//    [[NSApp handCursor] pop];

// find the cell under the mouse's location
    mouseUpLocation = [event locationInWindow];
    mouseUpLocation = [self convertPoint:mouseUpLocation fromView:nil];
    newRow = [self rowAtPoint:mouseUpLocation];
    if (newRow == -1) {
     // mouse is out of bounds, so find the row the dragged row covers
        newRow = [self rowAtPoint:rowRect.origin];

// we need to shuffle cells if the active cell's going to a new location
    if (![self startRow:draggedRow endedAt:newRow]) {
     // go back to the way we were
        [self display];

// now redraw ourself
//    [self display];

// set the event mask to normal
    [wind setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:NO];
    return YES;

//    Using the drag/drop mechanism

- (BOOL)copyRow:(int)hitRow toPasteboard:pb
    [pb declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:PrivateDragPboard] owner:self];
return [pb setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",hitRow] forType:PrivateDragPboard];

- (BOOL)unconstrainedMove:(NSEvent *)e
    NSPoint mouseDownLocation = [e locationInWindow];
    NSWindow *wind = [self window];
    NSPasteboard *pb;
    NSImage *image = nil;
    NSRect rect;
    NSPoint lowerLeftCorner;

    mouseDownLocation = [self convertPoint:mouseDownLocation fromView:nil];
    draggedRow = [self rowAtPoint:mouseDownLocation];

    pb = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithName:NSDragPboard];

    // this forces text editing to end
    [wind makeFirstResponder:wind];

    [self selectRow:draggedRow byExtendingSelection:NO];

    // this makes sure we get the whole row into the image
    [self scrollRowToVisible:draggedRow];

    // this makes sure the display is up to date
    [self display];

    // give the delegate a chance to supply an image
    if ([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:@selector(tableView:imageForRow:)])
        image = [[self delegate] tableView:self imageForRow:draggedRow];

    // otherwise, get our own image (the image of the whole row)
    if (!image) image = [self imageForRow:draggedRow];

    rect = [self rectOfRow:draggedRow];
    lowerLeftCorner = NSMakePoint(rect.origin.x,rect.origin.y + rect.size.height);
    if ([self copyRow:draggedRow toPasteboard:pb]) {
        [self dragImage:image at:lowerLeftCorner offset:NSZeroSize event:(NSEvent *)e pasteboard:pb source:self slideBack:YES];
     return YES;

    return NO;


- (BOOL) move:(NSEvent *)e
    unsigned int flags = [e modifierFlags];
    NSPoint mouseDownLocation = [e locationInWindow];
    int draggedCol;
    NSEvent *peek = nil;
    NSWindow *wind = [self window];

    // if the next event is a mouse up, don't drag the row
    peek = [wind nextEventMatchingMask:MOVE_MASK untilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.1] inMode:NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode dequeue:NO];
    if ([peek type] == NSLeftMouseUp) return NO;

    mouseDownLocation = [self convertPoint:mouseDownLocation fromView:nil];
    draggedCol = [self columnAtPoint:mouseDownLocation];
    draggedRow = [self rowAtPoint:mouseDownLocation];

    // if the Control key isn't down, show normal behavior
    if (needsControlKey && !([e modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask)) {
        return NO;

    // see if the delegate wants to allow moving the row
    if (![[self delegate] conformsToProtocol:@protocol(SDMovingRowsProtocol)])
        return NO;
    if (!(flags & [[self delegate]dragReorderingMask:draggedCol]) &&
        ([[self delegate]dragReorderingMask:draggedCol] != DRAG_ALWAYS))
        return NO;
    if ([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:@selector(tableView:rowWillMove:)] && ![[self delegate]tableView:self rowWillMove:draggedRow])
        return NO;

    // if we get here, we can move the row

    if (constrainedMove)
        return [self constrainedMove:e];
        return [self unconstrainedMove:e];


- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)e
    if (![self move:e]) [super mouseDown:e];

- (unsigned int)draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:(BOOL)flag
    return NSDragOperationCopy|NSDragOperationGeneric|NSDragOperationLink;

- (void)draggedImage:(NSImage *)image endedAt:(NSPoint)screenPoint deposited:(BOOL)flag
    int endedAt;
    screenPoint = [[self window] convertScreenToBase:screenPoint];
    screenPoint = [self convertPoint:screenPoint fromView:nil];
// now the point is in our local coordinates....
    endedAt = [self rowAtPoint:screenPoint];
    if (flag && endedAt != -1 && [[self delegate] tableView:self didDepositRow:draggedRow at:endedAt]) {
            [self reloadData];
            [self selectRow:endedAt byExtendingSelection:NO];


extern BOOL IncludesType(NSArray *types, NSString *type)
    return types ? ([types indexOfObject:type] != NSNotFound) : NO;

- (BOOL) acceptsTypes:(NSArray *)types forSender:sender
    if (IncludesType(types, PrivateDragPboard)) return YES;    
    return NO;

- (unsigned int)draggingEntered:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
    NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];

    if ([self acceptsTypes:[pboard types] forSender:sender])
        return NSDragOperationGeneric;
    return NSDragOperationNone;

- (unsigned int)draggingUpdated:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
    NSPoint point = [sender draggingLocation];
    NSRect visRect = [self visibleRect];
    NSRect scrollRect;
    float rowHeight = [self rowHeight];
    int aRow;

    point = [self convertPoint:point fromView:nil];
    aRow = [self rowAtPoint:point];

    if ((aRow == 0) || (aRow == [self numberOfRows]-1)) {
        [self scrollRowToVisible:aRow];
    } else if (point.y < visRect.origin.y + rowHeight/4) {
        // we need to scroll at top
        scrollRect = NSMakeRect(visRect.origin.x,(visRect.origin.y-rowHeight),visRect.size.width,rowHeight);
        [self scrollRectToVisible:scrollRect];
    } else if (point.y > ((visRect.origin.y + visRect.size.height) - rowHeight/4)) {
        // we need to scroll at bottom
        scrollRect = NSMakeRect(visRect.origin.x,visRect.origin.y+visRect.size.height,visRect.size.width,rowHeight);
        [self scrollRectToVisible:scrollRect];
    if (![[self delegate] tableView:self draggingRow:draggedRow overRow:aRow])
        return NSDragOperationNone;
        return NSDragOperationGeneric;

- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
    int endedAt;
    NSPoint screenPoint = [self convertPoint:[sender draggingLocation] fromView:nil];
    // now the point is in our local coordinates....
    endedAt = [self rowAtPoint:screenPoint];
    return [self startRow:draggedRow endedAt:endedAt];

- (void)grabTableBits
    // copy what's currently visible into the matrix cache
    NSRect visibleRect = [self visibleRect];
    NSCachedImageRep *tableRep = [[tableCache representations]objectAtIndex:0];

    visibleRect = [self convertRect:visibleRect toView:nil];

    [tableCache lockFocusOnRepresentation:tableRep];
    PScomposite(NSMinX(visibleRect), NSMinY(visibleRect),
                NSWidth(visibleRect), NSHeight(visibleRect),
            [[self window] gState], 0.0, 0.0, NSCompositeCopy);
    [self drawRect:visibleRect];

    [tableCache unlockFocus];

- (void)grabRowBits
    // copy what's currently visible into the row cache
    NSRect rowRect = [self rectOfRow:draggedRow];
    NSCachedImageRep *rowRep = [[rowCache representations]objectAtIndex:0];

    rowRect = [self convertRect:rowRect toView:nil];

    [rowCache lockFocusOnRepresentation:rowRep];
    PScomposite(NSMinX(rowRect), NSMinY(rowRect),
                NSWidth(rowRect), NSHeight(rowRect),
            [[self window] gState], 0.0, 0.0, NSCompositeCopy);
    [self drawRect:rowRect];

    [rowCache unlockFocus];

- (NSImage *) imageForRow:(int)aRow
    NSSize old = rowCache? [rowCache size] : NSZeroSize;
    NSRect rowRect = [self rectOfRow:draggedRow];
    NSSize rowSize = rowRect.size;

    if (rowSize.width != old.width ||
        rowSize.height != old.height) {
     // create the cache window if it doesn't exist
        NSCachedImageRep *rep;
        if (rowCache) [rowCache release];
        rowCache = [[NSImage allocWithZone:(NSZone *)[(NSObject *)self zone]] initWithSize:rowSize];
        rep = [[[NSCachedImageRep allocWithZone:(NSZone *)[(NSObject *)self zone]] initWithSize:rowSize depth:[NSWindow defaultDepthLimit] separate:YES alpha:YES]autorelease];

        [rowCache addRepresentation:rep];
    [self grabRowBits];

    return rowCache;

- sizeCacheWindow:cacheImage to:(NSSize)windowSize
    NSSize old = cacheImage? [cacheImage size] : NSZeroSize;

    if (windowSize.width != old.width ||
                windowSize.height != old.height) {
     // create the cache window if it doesn't exist
        NSCachedImageRep *rep;
        if (cacheImage) [cacheImage release];
        cacheImage = [[NSImage allocWithZone:(NSZone *)[(NSObject *)self zone]] initWithSize:windowSize];
        rep = [[[NSCachedImageRep allocWithZone:(NSZone *)[(NSObject *)self zone]] initWithSize:windowSize
            depth:[NSWindow defaultDepthLimit] separate:YES alpha:YES]autorelease];

        [cacheImage addRepresentation:rep];

    return cacheImage;

- (void)drawTableCache:(NSRect)rowRect
    NSRect visibleRect = [self visibleRect];
    NSRect sourceRect = rowRect;
    NSPoint origin = rowRect.origin;

    // adjust composite point: seems to need this!
    origin.y += rowRect.size.height;        

    // now the cache is just the visibleRect, so we need to adjust the sourceRect:

    sourceRect.origin.y = NSHeight(visibleRect) + NSMinY(visibleRect) - origin.y;
    [tableCache compositeToPoint:origin fromRect:sourceRect operation:NSCompositeCopy];
        NSRect myRow = [self rectOfRow:draggedRow];
        [[NSColor controlShadowColor/*darkGrayColor*/] set];




- (void)drawRowCache:(NSRect)rowRect
    NSRect myRect=rowRect;

    myRect.origin.y += myRect.size.height;
    [rowCache dissolveToPoint:myRect.origin fraction:0.75];

- (void)setConstrainedMove:(BOOL)flag
    constrainedMove = flag;

- (void)setNeedsControlKey:(BOOL)flag
    needsControlKey = flag;


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