For Immediate Release
For more information, please contact:
Katie Graunke
TEL: 505-345-4800
FAX: 505-345-3424
Stone Design Announces
Winners of Stone Art Contest 2002
Albuquerque, November 6, 2002 - Stone Design, the oldest and original Mac OS X software house, today announced the winners of Stone Art 2002!
Stone Design’s founder and CEO, Andrew Stone, notes, “It’s so amazing to see what our community of users has done - and we had a hard time deciding among so many excellent entries. You can download the Create document of this entire site and the document which made first place, and see for yourself how people are making cool things with Stone Studio™ and Create®! We had world wide entries from Sweden, Japan, Germany, Holland, Britain and the good ol’ USA.”
And the winners are:
1st Place to Nadene Moore for “Chic Culture” web site made with Create®
2nd Place to Ann Randall for “Peace Dove” made with Create®
3rd Place to Robert Curtis for “Create Camera” made with Create®
Honorable mentions go to:
Tomas Arfert for the Art Guy
Tomi Engel for Wedding Panorama
Gerben Wierda for Rosy Menu
Patrick Garner for Composite
Steve Weintz for Cauhtomoc over Mexico
Visit the art
Download Create documents that made this site and Chic Culture
Stone Studio™, which received a “Freakin’ Awesome” rating from MacAddict Magazine, includes applications to do graphic design with page layout and web publishing features, manage digital photos, track time and bill clients, and produce PDF from PostScript files. Stone Studio™ includes the following applications:
Create® 10.7 for Mac OS X is a vector illustration, page layout and web authoring application built on the idea that everything is an object. Patterns, blends, effects, art, and pages can be dragged and dropped to create multipage documents. Features include web page authoring, instant graphic conversion, autotracing, animation, multiple document master pages, patterns, neon, and special graphics and text effects.
PhotoToWeb® 1.5.1 manages digital photographs and produces websites from albums of images. It can produce thumbnails, do slide shows, and annotate, crop, rotate and scale images to produce configurable web sites. Turn CDs of photos into a giant linked website. Users can set the background and navigation bars and can save album styles for future use.
SliceAndDice™ 2.5.7 lets the user easily create navigation bars, Javascript rollovers, image maps, and complicated mosaic tilings from any image. It features full control over image production and produces easy to read and modify HTML. By dragging SliceAndDice files into Create®, the user can create complex web pages with image maps and rollovers.
PStill™ 2.3.6 converts EPS/PS and other conforming PostScript to the Portable Document Format (PDF). Its EPS filter allows viewing EPS directly on Mac OS X in any application as antialiased PDF. New features include combining multiple files into one PDF file and converting any graphic image format to PDF. Stone Design provides two free applications, TrueBlue and DOCtor, which enhance PStill.
PackUpAndGo™ 2.3.5 creates compressed archive files (.tar.gz) from dragged in files and folders and automatically uncompresses dragged in archive files. With many user preferences, this application puts a graphical user interface on Unix archiving and compression commands, making it easy for the user to create compressed backups or prepare folders for mailing.
TimeEqualsMoney™ 2.2 tracks time and billable expenses for clients, and produces invoices and reports automatically.
GIFfun™ 3.3 creates web animations quickly and easily, using drag and drop technology. The source code to GIFfun is also available online.
Stone Studio™ is available online at the Stone Store or at any of the Apple Stores. Stone Design has extended its low introductory pricing: $299 through October 31, 2002. Each application can also be purchased separately at the Stone Design Store.
Stone Design Corporation of Albuquerque, New Mexico, was incorporated in 1984 and was the first developer to ship a product on NeXT hardware in 1989 with the release of TextArt. Since then, Stone Design has been a leader in innovative shrinkwrap software in the NEXTSTEP/OpenStep/Mac OS X marketplace. Create® - the high end drawing and web page making package - is Mac OS X’s first Cocoa native design application. Create®, PhotoToWeb®, GIFfun™, SliceAndDice™, TimeEqualsMoney™ and PackUpAndGo™ are Stone Design trademarks. Other names are trademarked by their respective companies. |
...and the original press release here:
For Immediate Release
For more information, please contact:
Katie Graunke
TEL: 505-345-4800
FAX: 505-345-3424
Stone Design Announces
Stone Art Contest 2002
Albuquerque, September 12, 2002 - Stone Design, the oldest and original Mac OS X software house, today announced a contest for art created using Stone Studio applications. Prizes include cash and licenses to Stone Design applications. [JPEG Poster] [PDF Poster]
Stone Design’s founder and CEO, Andrew Stone, notes, “We want to encourage people to use our tools to create great looking art, page designs, and web sites, and we want to be able to show off what they do.”
Stone adds, “You don’t even need to be a current owner. Just download Stone Studio and use our free 30-day full-strength trial licenses. Make some cool designs, enter the contest, and you could win the software.”
First prize: $299 cash plus two sets of licenses to Stone Studio applications ($897 value)
Second prize: A set of licenses to Stone Studio applications ($299 value)
Third prize: A Create® license ($149 value)
Honorable mention (5 winners): Your choice of a license to PhotoToWeb™, PStill™, TimeEqualsMoney™, SliceAndDice™, StampInStone™, or PackUpAndGo™.
Contest Rules:
• Entries will be accepted until October 31, 2002, and winners will be announced on December 1, 2002. Entries should be submitted by email to contest@stone.com.
• Entries must be submitted in their original format (Create/PhotoToWeb/SliceAndDice) and in their final output format (html or PDF).
• Stone Design reserves the right to share the submitted artwork with the OS X community.
• Since Stone Design has no employees (everyone is an owner), there’s no rule about employees being ineligible to enter, unless you include this meta-rule.
Stone Studio™, which received a “Freakin’ Awesome” rating from MacAddict Magazine, includes applications to do graphic design with page layout and web publishing features, manage digital photos, track time and bill clients, and produce PDF from PostScript files. Stone Studio™ includes the following applications:
Create® 10.6.1 for Mac OS X is a vector illustration, page layout and web authoring application built on the idea that everything is an object. Patterns, blends, effects, art, and pages can be dragged and dropped to create multipage documents. Features include web page authoring, instant graphic conversion, autotracing, animation, multiple document master pages, patterns, neon, and special graphics and text effects.
PhotoToWeb® 1.4.8 manages digital photographs and produces websites from albums of images. It can produce thumbnails, do slide shows, and annotate, crop, rotate and scale images to produce configurable web sites. Turn CDs of photos into a giant linked website. Users can set the background and navigation bars and can save album styles for future use.
SliceAndDice™ 2.5.7 lets the user easily create navigation bars, Javascript rollovers, image maps, and complicated mosaic tilings from any image. It features full control over image production and produces easy to read and modify HTML. By dragging SliceAndDice files into Create®, the user can create complex web pages with image maps and rollovers.
PStill™ 2.3.4 converts EPS/PS and other conforming PostScript to the Portable Document Format (PDF). Its EPS filter allows viewing EPS directly on Mac OS X in any application as antialiased PDF. New features include combining multiple files into one PDF file and converting any graphic image format to PDF. Stone Design provides two free applications, TrueBlue and DOCtor, which enhance PStill.
PackUpAndGo™ 2.3.5 creates compressed archive files (.tar.gz) from dragged in files and folders and automatically uncompresses dragged in archive files. With many user preferences, this application puts a graphical user interface on Unix archiving and compression commands, making it easy for the user to create compressed backups or prepare folders for mailing.
TimeEqualsMoney™ 2.1.1 tracks time and billable expenses for clients, and produces invoices and reports automatically.
GIFfun™ 3.3 creates web animations quickly and easily, using drag and drop technology. The source code to GIFfun is also available online.
Stone Studio™ is available online at the Stone Store or at any of the Apple Stores. Stone Design has extended its low introductory pricing: $299 through October 31, 2002. Each application can also be purchased separately at the Stone Design Store.
Stone Design Corporation of Albuquerque, New Mexico, was incorporated in 1984 and was the first developer to ship a product on NeXT hardware in 1989 with the release of TextArt. Since then, Stone Design has been a leader in innovative shrinkwrap software in the NEXTSTEP/OpenStep/Mac OS X marketplace. Create® - the high end drawing and web page making package - is Mac OS X’s first Cocoa native design application. Create®, PhotoToWeb®, GIFfun™, SliceAndDice™, TimeEqualsMoney™ and PackUpAndGo™ are Stone Design trademarks. Other names are trademarked by their respective companies. |