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Drag and Drop Graphics (page 2) |
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You can also drag a file icon directly onto the Create icon in the dock or in a Finder window. Create will put the file into the top document. If the top document is empty or there is no open document, Create will size the top document or a new document to fit the dropped-in graphic. This is useful for viewing full sized photos in Create.
Other Drag and Drop:
• Drag text from applications that support text drag and drop. Create adds a Text Area to the document.
• Drag names from Address Book. Create adds a Text Area with the name and address information.
• Drag photos from iPhoto’s organization window. Create adds the photo image to the document.
• Drag cropped and scaled photos from Stone Design’s PhotoToWeb’s image well. Create adds the photo image to the document.
• Drag images from browsers that support drag and drop, including Safari, Camino, and Internet Explorer.
• Drag URLs from browsers that support drag and drop. Create will add a Text Area with the text of the URL and will automatically add the link to the text. |