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Illustrating with Create®
All the features you’d expect in a powerhouse vector graphics program!

Graphic Types
• spline, multiline, arc, oval, star, data tables, round rect
• freehand, rich text, rectangle, custom HTML Embed
• text along a path, text in a shape, text around a shape
• image, scaleable group, box "button" group
• clipping mask group, editable & nestable "table" group
• date marker, page number, movie, file, SliceAndDice

• rotate, shear, scale, flip, mask (clip) to any shape
• make a matrix of graphics with any # rows and columns
• make a spinning Rose of graphics
• convert any graphic to a spline

• Add any number of strokes and fills on one graphic
• Multiply the graphic and apply fuzzy shadows
• Fills include
        - Simple, with fill or lines
        - Gradient: point, radial, rotated, down, across
        - Blends: any number of colors and resolution
        - Patterns: create your own PDF patterns
• Strokes: neon, dashed, arrow ends
• Custom arrows and dashes too!

Created with Stone Design's Create® at 2008-01-17 19:11:28 -0800