Animation Create’s Animator lets you apply animations to individual graphics and then save the frames as TIFF or GIF - Poor Man’s Flash!
• Make Animated GIFs with GIFfun
• Control rotation, scale, location, Looping, # frames, color | |
Autotrace Any image can be traced and converted into editable splines
• Convert bitmaps to vectors
• Control precision & variation • Create costs less than other vendor’s autotracers! | | |
With Create’s unique Image Well, instantly convert graphics or the entire page to:
• ICN, BMP, ICO, PPM, PPG, XBM etc |
| | | |
Unique Pattern Editor let’s you create PDF patterns | |
Applescript Folks doing production will love Create’s AppleScriptability
• Create teaches you how to
script it via File -> Save Other -> Save Applescript... • Use with Automator too! • Many built-in scripts |