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I’ve been looking for visual web site programs for a while now, and am impressed with the design and layout functionality of Create for this purpose. It’s amazing to me how needlessly difficult most programs make this process, not to mention the useless bells and whistles they want us to pay for. I’m still deciding about whether to buy a Mac or PC laptop, but if I do go with a Mac(iBook), Create will be my website design and maintenance program. [SHJ]
> Can you name a *single* Cocoa product that made you say, “Wow! This is so
> stupendous, it could never be done by any other means”?

Comparing two of my recent “books”... One was done using FrameMaker on OS9 and Adobe Acrobat 4. Looks okay. The other was done using Create and ..uh...Create... Wow! [MP]
I read an interview the other day with you. Your philosophy on upgrades is right on. I can see how every new Stone user is actually a NEW user that expands your user base. When Stone comes out with new products or upgrades it's not competing with itself.

I know people who have never upgraded from previous versions of Photoshop because 5.5 (or something) is good enough. Or they're locked into purchasing the Adobe platform because...that's what they use. If inline graphics in InDesign CS aren't handled well, you get to purchase the upgrade and hope it's fixed. All because you've sunk so much into Adobe already. If they don't upgrade their Adobe apps, then they don't upgrade their OS or hardware. Then they continue to have a mediocre to tolerable computing experience.

Real life example - I was able to get a this new Powerbook here, because I mentioned how much money we saved by using PStill over Acrobat Distiller Server. Then, I showed how products like iMaginator were taking advantage of Core Image Powerbook, OS X 10.4 and iMaginator. Create and Linkback are next.... [RB]

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