The Haight, San Francisco - February 10, 2009. Today the Big Stone Phone company released it’s innovative new application for iPhone and iPod Touch 2 named “MobileMix” - the portable pocket music studio.
MobileMix brings beatboxing to the iPhone. A loop machine of sorts, MobileMix lets you record individual tracks and play them all back at the same time, creating a grand orchestra from just a single voice. Or pass it around and let friends each layer a track.
“Are you ready to become a first-class hip-hop artist?”, inquired Stone.com’s CEO and Chief Computer Scientist Andrew Stone. “With MobileMix you can instantly create new songs. Capture ambient sounds and overlay with your own poetry, singing or raving. Lay down music tracks and you are a one [wo]man band!”
Start with a beat and get jamming! Go freestyle with your songs or let MobileMix assist you by
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clamping each track to the longest recording. And when you've completed your masterpiece, MobileMix even lets you upload to a computer. No matter what the occasion, MobileMix is sure to bring a smile to the room.
- Beautifully designed UI - Record as many tracks as you like - Apply album artwork to your songs - Label your songs explicit or clean as need be - Upload to a computer
Introductory pricing: $3.99 - but hurry!
If you have a Mac, you can drop the uploaded tracks onto Stone.com’s Videator and watch a live movie with your song’s tracks. For more information on Videator, visit http://stone.com/Videator.
Stone Design is a New Mexico based software corporation founded in 1984 by Andrew Stone which has shipped over 20 titles for Mac OS X and its parent operating system, the NeXT, in the last 20 years. Major applications include Create, a page layout and web authoring app, iMaginator for image processing and Videator for video effects and VJ’ing. In the past year, in conjunction with BigStonePhone, has added 6 iPhone applications to the collection: TalkingPics for field photography and audio recording, iGraffiti which lets you paint on photos and share them, Gesture which lets you turn photos into digital paintings and share them, Twittelator Pro, the most feature laced twitter client for the iPhone/Touch, Pulsar the free pyschedelic strobe light and now SoundBite. BigStonePhone is a collaboration between Stone and Jeff BIggus of Hyperjeff.net, and Geoff Pado of CocoaType on SoundBite and MobileMix. |