For immediate release
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write info@stone.com or
call Katie Graunke at
(505) 345-4800
Stone Design Announces
$199 NEXTSTEP Productivity Suite
April 28, 1998 - Albuquerque, New Mexico - Stone Design announced today that its suite of NEXTSTEP software, which runs on "Prelude to Rhapsody", OpenStep 4.x and NextStep 3.1 and greater is available for only $199. Any individual application in the bundle can be purchased for only $99.
The StoneWare suite consists of DataPhile(TM), the multi-media, easy to use database manager, Create(TM), THE powerful graphics package, 3DReality(TM), a 3D modeler and renderer, and CheckSum(TM), a check writer and finance manager.
A bundle of all of these Stone Design applications for NEXTSTEP is now available for only $199, a very special deal. These apps originally listed for $1,979. This bundle includes DataPhile 3.1, Create 3.1, 3D Reality 2.1 and CheckSum 2.0. This sale is only available until June 23, 1998. If you do not care to ftp the apps, please add $20 USA ($30 International) for CD, shipping & handling. We accept VISA/MasterCard and money orders. FAX: 505-345-3424
DataPhile 3.1 is a flat-file database designed for people who need flexibility without the complexities of a rigid, relational system. Using DataPhile's intuitive front end, anyone can build and manage a database, modifying it and generating reports easily. DataPhile also comes with a number of useful template databases so you can begin using it right out of the box. DataPhile requires no additional servers; it functions alone or in a networked environment, on Motorola, Intel, Sun and HP-RISC processors.
Create 3.1 is THE fully supported drawing application for NEXTSTEP. Create is a multi-page, full color, easy and fun to use graphics program that is perfect for professional artists and non-artists alike. Create's tool palette is highly extensive, including arcs, circles, lines, curves, splines, ovals, rectangles, squares, text, super text, and freehand tools. Create's User PostScript is unique, and perfect for advanced users or users who would like to learn more about PostScript, view, directly edit and repeatedly execute the PostScript code associated with any object created in or imported into the program.
3D Reality is a 3D modeling and rendering front end for Pixar's Renderman. 3D Reality creates photorealistic three dimensional drawings and includes many textures, shaders and sample images.
CheckSum is the personal finance manager and check writer for the NEXTSTEP platform. With the convenient "Export to DataPhile" function, detailed reports and summaries can be obtained from your financial data.
For more information on any Stone Design products and services, please visit our web site:
To reach a human, please call 505-345-4800 Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm Mountain Time.
Stone Design Corp. in Albuquerque, New Mexico was formed in 1984 and was the first developer to ship a product on NeXT Hardware in 1989 with the release of TextArt. Since then, Stone Design has been a leader in innovative shrinkwrap software in the NEXTSTEP/OpenStep/Rhapsody marketplace. 3D Reality, DataPhile, and Create are trademarks of Stone Design Corporation. The Stone Design logotype is copyright Stone Design 1994. All other brand names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.