For Immediate Release
For more information, please contact:
Katie Graunke
Stone Design and Caffeine Software Deliver The Licenser Kit
San Francisco CA - January 5, 1998 - Long time NeXTSTEP/OpenStep/Rhapsody developers, Stone Design Corp, maker of Create(TM), and Caffeine Software, maker of TIFFany(TM), announced today the availability of the versatile Licenser Kit for all versions of Rhapsody, including YellowBox for Windows, RDR-1 for PPC and Intel, and OpenStep 4.x on all supported platforms.
The Licenser Kit gives Rhapsody developers all they need to quickly add copy protection to their programs and to generate licenses for those programs. The distribution includes a sample application that uses The Licenser Kit, and an automatic license generator program. The user interface is entirely flexible, as expected from software developers Andrew Stone of Stone Design and Stan Jirman of Caffeine Software.
In use commercially for over four years, the well-tested Licenser Kit has become a de facto standard for Rhapsody and Yellow Box developers. Besides Create(TM) and TIFFany(TM), other major Rhapsody applications currently using the Licenser Kit include Anderson Financial Systems' word processing and page layout software, WriteUp(TM) and PasteUp(TM), and P&L Systems' spreadsheet, Mesa(TM).
"The Licenser Kit has become the standard licensing solution for Yellow Box," said Andrew Stone, CEO of Stone Design. "It quickly and transparently plugs into any app to address the perennial financial black hole of software piracy. The Kit allows you to distribute your application on the Internet, allowing anyone to evaluate your app in demo mode, and then unlock the application when they decide to buy."
The Licenser Kit allows developers to quickly add the level of copy-protection security they require, including the following, combinable options for generating restricted usage:
* Tie license to host name
* Tie license to user name
* Tie to host ID
* Create floating network licenses
* Allow as many users as desired
* Have unlimited number of licenses on a network
* Add licenses on the fly
* Automatically unlicense if application is moved or copied
* Generate expiring licenses for "full strength" demos
Special "Early Adopter" price of $1999 is available now; the regular price is $10,000.
The Licenser Kit is the key to the timely release of Rhapsody/Yellow Box applications. Visit www.stone.com for more information, or contact Stone Design at info@stone.com or 505-345-4800.
Stone Design Corp. in Albuquerque, New Mexico was formed in 1984 and was the first developer to ship a product on NeXT Hardware in 1989 with the release of TextArt. Since then, Stone Design has been a leader in innovative shrinkwrap software in the NEXTSTEP/OpenStep/Rhapsody marketplace. Like a rock, Stone is committed to Yellow Box development.
Caffeine Software was founded in 1990. The company quickly specialized in custom image processing for the NeXT computer system. In 1993, Caffeine Software presented TIFFany, a high-end imaging package. Since then, Caffeine Software has extended the product line with other applications for imaging needs while TIFFany maintained it's reputation as the most renown imaging package on NeXTSTEP and OpenStep. Since 1997, Caffeine Software specializes in custom-made applications for specific imaging and batch processing needs for individual customers.