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Your non-tech interests can be the hook to build both personal diversity and personal salvation in times of transition and tribulation. For me, it's making physical things, gardening and yoga. Some of the best debugging happens on a walk or in dreams at night, and learning not to force the process that is critical for software success.

It was at the second rave that I had my first encounter with DMT. It was not a full threshold dose, just enough to peak my interest. I started reading everything I could on this substance.

For those of you unfamiliar with Dimethyl Triptamine (DMT), the first thing you need to know is that it produced in our own bodies - endogenously - and many cultures believe it's related to the third eye - the pineal gland.

DMT is one of the active ingredients in Ayahuasca, the Vine of the Soul, the South American visionary brew which can be made from 100's of different plants.

And my involvement with the local pagan community introduced me to Dr. Rick Strassman, who was the first scientist in 20 years to be able to legally administer a psychedelic to volunteers at UNM in the early 'Nineties. I can talk openly and honestly about this transformative psychedelic because it was the government who gave it to me!

So, while Steve is struggling to sell NeXT slabs, I'm expanding my knowledge of the universe in an historic study. I was able to watch the faltering of first the hardware, and then the software - NeXTSTep became OpenStep and was ported to various platforms including Solaris for SUN Microsystems's Sparc Station, but that was cancelled quietly in 1996.

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