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In October 1992, when Bill Bumgarner (Apple TV), Adam Swift (CoreData) and I shipped 3DReality - a Renderman based, drag-and-drop 3D modeler for the NeXT, we decided it was time for a major happening, a be-in, a Rave before anyone outside of the San Francisco scene knew what it was. Barlow & I tapped into EFF co-founder John Gilmore's cypherpunk party list to add lots of color to the button-down NeXT community.

We rented the Palace of Fine Arts, where the Exploratorium used to be, and visual artists erected 20 slide projectors on 10' columns that would create subtly changing environments. A magic man named 'Bob' wandered through the crowd handing out doses of LSD and MMDA to anyone who wished to imbibe, and thus began the Stone Raves. The NeXT Community began to transcend the borders of it's own limitations in ways that played out for years.

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