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From the Archives - John Perry Barlow’s invitation to our legendary rave at the Palace of Fine Arts - September 23rd, 1992: ============================================= Subject: You're Invited to a Party Date: September 19, 1992 at 3:41:20 PM PDT To: gcf@well.sf.ca.us (Glenn and Icahn Forrester), usense8@well.sf.ca.us (Eric Gullichson ), jito@tmn.com (Joichi Ito), gassee@applelink.apple.com (Jean-Louis & Brigitte Gass]e), Steve_Jobs@NeXT.Com (Steve Jobs), martina@well.sf.ca.us (Martina Johnson ), katz@well.sf.ca.us (Bruce Katz), michaelk@well.sf.ca.us (Michael Katz ), kk@well.sf.ca.us (Kevin Kelly ), dgk@well.sf.ca.us (Daniel Kottke), s_kbca@dante.lbl.gov (Steve Kromer), Kristin_Kueter@pcworld.com (Kristin Kueter), LAUREL.B@applelink.apple.com (Brenda Laurel), laurel@well.sf.ca.us (Brenda Laurel), smarcus@well.sf.ca.us (Steve Marcus), jonmc@well.sf.ca.us (Jon McIntire), regis@applelink.apple.com (Regis McKenna), nagel@applelink.apple.com (David Nagel), naimark@well.sf.ca.us (Michael Naimark), natg@applelink.apple.com (Nat & Marilyn Goldhaber), ogilvy@well.sf.ca.us (Jay Ogilvy), Coco_F_Conn@cup.portal.com (Paulina Freida"Coco" & Peter Conn), drewry@decwrl.dec.com (Raymond Drewry, Mark Pauline and SRL), reisman@arc.nasa.gov (Ron Reisman), hlr@well.sf.ca.us (Howard Rheingold), annika@garnet.berkeley.edu (Annika Rogers) In Celebration of Stone Design's Introduction of Their Great New NeXT Rendering Software, 3-D Reality, and John Perry Barlow's 45th Birthday STONE DESIGN And John Perry Barlow Request The Honour of Your Company At The 3-D REALITY R A V E Featuring Genesis P. Orridge & Psychic TV Young American Primitive & HyperDelic Video Patti Clemens (formerly of D'Cvckoo) & Beast of Paradise Smart Drugs, Sense8VR , Ambient Lounge, Vegetarian Buffet, & Posliterate Dancing to an Hypnotic, CyberTribal Beat Wednesday, September 23rd, 9 pm until 2 am or so... The Palace of Fine Arts Theater At Bay and Lyon Streets San Francisco As you may recall, I had a party around the time of my birthday last year. If were there, along with Jane Anderson, Jeanine Barnard, Chris Becker, Tina Blaine, Bob & Sharon Bralove, Stewart Brand, Bob Britton, Katy Butler, Loren & Rachael Carpenter, Patti Clemens, Tex Coate, Fred Davis, Sarah Drew, Raymond Drewry, Esther Dyson, Mary Eisenhart, Lee Felsenstein, Cliff Figallo, Heidi Foley, David Gans, Carolyn Garcia, Brigitte Gassee, Jean-Louis Gassee, John Gilmore, Nat Goldhaber, Wavy Gravy, Debbie Harlow, Jane Hirshfeld, Dr. Bates Huffaker, Tom Jennings, Martina Johnson, Mitch Kapor, Michael Katz, Kevin Kelly, Dan Kottke, Steve Kromer, Kristin Kueter, Jaron Lanier, Dan Lavin, David Levitt, Jon McIntire, Julia Menapace, Jane Metcalfe, Jas Morgan, Queen Mu, Bart Nagel, Ted Nelson, Candace Pacheco, Mark Pauline, Sylvia Paull, Patty Phelen, Tina Phelps, Howard Rheingold, Annika Rogers, Cat Romance, Louis Rossetto, Dan Ruby, Rudy Rucker, Goldie Rush, Gabi Schindler, R.U. Sirius, Greg Stikeleather, Beau Takahara, Rob Tow, Gerard van der Leun, and a whole bunch of other interesting friends I'd never met before, you may remember we had a pretty swell time. Somehow, the police never came, but most everybody who did show up wanted to do it again. So we will. This year, I've merged celebrations with tireless fun-lover Andrew Stone (whose Albuquerque software company, Stone Design, is introducing some terrific NeXT rendering software at this year's Seybold Conference). He is graciously footing the bill while I, along with veteran ravesters Brian Hughes and Patti Clemens, have been assembling the talent. Of course, the real talent at any good party is on the guest list. So, I'm inviting all the above folks who showed such getting-down aptitude last year, as well as some other interesting friends who, for one reason or another, couldn't make it to that one. People like Arthur Abraham, Colleen Barton, Steve Beck, Russell Brand, Galen Brandt, Jon Carroll, Denise Caruso, Verlin Chalmers, George Coates, Dan & Camilla Cochran, Coco & Peter Conn, Peter Coyote, Howard Danchik, John Dvorak, Scott Fisher, Janey Fritsche, Glenn & Icahn Forrester, Jerry Garcia, John Gage, Simson L. Garfinkel, Bruno George, Marilyn Goldhaber, Eric Gullichsen, Pat Gelband, Mickey Hart, Trip and Diana Hawkins, Joichi Ito, Mimi Ito, Steve Jobs, Scott Knaster, Bruce Katz, Brenda Laurel, Cassidy Law, Eileen Law, Piers Lawrence, Timothy Leary, Willie Legate, Jill & Phil Lesh, David & Ruth Ann Liddell, Gilman Louie, Steve Marcus, Bill Mandel, Regis McKenna, Terence McKenna, Cat McLean, Menno Mejes, Linda Murmann, Lisa Mydland, David Nagel, Michael Naimark, David & Maruska Nelson, Jay Ogilvy, Tom Paddock, Wendy Peterson, Harry Popick, Stefanie Pleet, Danny Rifkin, Ron Reisman, Sally Rosenthal, Paul Saffo, John Sculley, Nancy Schwiekart, Rusty Schwiekart, Cameron Sears, Gerald Seagraves, Jonathan Seybold, Ramrod & Frances Shurtleff, Owlsley Stanley, Sue Stallcup, Nichole Stenger, Cliff Stoll, Larry Tesler, Bobby Weir, John Werner, and Steve Wozniak. And I expect there will also be a black-clad network of NeXT jackers on hand. If you're not one of these, I'm sure you'll find them a pretty sharp bunch...kind of like UNIX weenies by Armani. We know it's short notice and a weeknight besides, but if this looks like good company to you, we hope you'll turn up and be good company yourself. (And bring some with you, if you like. We're particularly interested in people with an expanded sense of the possible.) Hope to see you there! ************************************************ John Perry Barlow barlow@eff.org P.O. Box 1009 NeXTmail to: 168 South Franklin barlow@icecube.pinedale.wy.us Pinedale, WY 82941 barlow@well.sf.ca.us 307/367-2110 307/367-4502 fax MAN PLANS, GOD LAUGHS =================================== Rest in Peace, John Perry! |