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Making Movies or Websites:
Step 1: getting files onto Mac
Whether you want to make a Quicktime Movie Slideshow or a complete Web Site with the audio, pictures and notes, you’ll first need to get the files onto your Mac, including an important file named “ProjectInfo.bin”. Follow the instructions here to prepare your phone for transfer.
        a. click Bookmark icon or choose “Bookmarks -> Show All Bookmarks”
        b. click “Bonjour” in COLLECTIONS

        c. Double-click “TalkingPics Project: <NAME_OF_PROJECT>
        d. Click large TalkingPics icon to get the AppleScript

e. Run the Applescript:

i. Copy the applescript
ii.Launch /Applications/Applescript/Script Editor
iii. Paste the applescript
iv. Click Run

The files are now in a folder on your mac, including the special “ProjectInfo.bin” file which describes your project to Create or Videator.

Note - if you are manually transferring your files one by one, just be sure to also download the link entitled “Project Manifest Information”.
2. Now, make a Movie or make a Website!

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