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“Overying Intention”: The connection is already in the hologram; you can take the quantum leap.
In the late 20th century a research team at the University of Paris led by physicist Alain Aspect (1947-) made a remarkable experiment testing “Bells test Experiments” that some think may have changed the face of science. Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn't matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart. Somehow each particle always seems to know what the other is doing. The problem with this feat is that it violates Einstein's long-held tenet that no communication can travel faster than the speed of light. Since traveling faster than the speed of light is tantamount to breaking the time barrier, this daunting prospect has caused some physicists to try to come up with elaborate ways to explain away Aspect's findings. But it has inspired others to offer even more radical explanations for this theory in Quantum Physics also referred to as “Quantum Entanglement”.

Physicist David Bohm (1917-1992) at the University of London theorized that Aspects findings imply that objective reality does not exist and that despite its apparent solidity the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram where every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole. .

Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram (1919-) encountered the concept of holography in the 1960’s and realized he had found explanation brain scientists had been looking for. Pribram theorized memories are not encoded in neurons, or small groupings of neurons, but in patterns of nerve impulses that crisscross the entire brain in the same way that patterns of laser light interference crisscross the entire area of a piece of film containing a holographic image. In other words, Pribram thinks the brain is itself a hologram.

Michael Talbot (1953-1992) was the author of several books highlighting parallels between ancient mysticism and quantum mechanics, and espousing a theoretical model of reality that suggests the physical universe is akin to a giant hologram. In his book The Holographic Universe, Talbot made many references to the work of David Bohm and Karl Pribram, and it is quite apparent that the combined work of Bohm and Pribram is largely the cornerstone upon which Talbot built his ideas. The holographic perspective explains phenomena, which established science has traditionally ignored, such as paranormal activity and the exploration of human extra sensory perception. Talbot also ties in elements of Carl Jung’s “collective unconscious” theory, as well as the synchronicity phenomenon, to suggest the existence of an underlying unified field that ties all things in the universe together.

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