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Whirlgif Man Page 3 |
-time delay
Defines inter-frame timing in units of 1/100 second. Whenever a value of delay is set by means of the -time option, this value will be valid for the following GIFfiles until a new value is set.
Use the color map of the first GIFfile as the global color map throughout the outfile. If the color maps of subsequent GIFfiles contain colors that are not in the global color map, the nearest colors in a 3 dimensional RGB space will be chosen. This is a global option and must be given before any GIFfiles.
Only the smallest rectangles covering the difference between two GIFfiles will be output. All GIFfiles must be of the same size and have the same offset. This is tested, and may result in an error message. This is a global option and must be given before any GIFfiles.
As a side effect, the -minimize option forces the same (global)color map to be used throughout the outfile.
-o outfile
Write the results to outfile This is a global option and must be given before any GIFfiles. |