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1. Tap Tweet body for expanded Tweet options - or - Tap and Hold for instant reply, RT, fav options
2. Tap username or avatar to see their profile,
3. If it’s a Retweet, you’ll who did it - tap their name at the bottom of the tweet to see their profile.
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Uses new Twitter permissions and web authorization page Old accounts must be updated.
Post to Facebook Wall Settings -> Services -> Facebook - you can optionally turn it on and off in the compose window too!
Inline support for Plixi & Img.ly
Upload photos to Plixi
Shows most popular tweets in a search - turn off in Settings Advanced
Optimized for iOS4
Available in:
English, Français, Deutsch, Español, 日本語
350 twitter server accesses / hour (up from 150)
Every timeline has search - you'll see a new search field at the top of every timeline, just start typing to find tweets with that word.
Geotag by neighborhood or city - to protect your privacy, you can now select the level of proximity in Settings, GPS: Exact (your latitude/longitude), Neighborhood or City
Open location in Maps app is a new option when you are in a map from tapping Users's location or geotag pin.
Regional Trends: Tap More -> Trends, Regional Trends to see locations starting with those nearest to you.
Mobilizer: mobilizers will take the pages you are surfing and run them through a mobile-specific filter which lets pages load faster and are better formatted for the iPhone. Settings -> Browse Web -> Mobilizer to set it up. We provide a one-tap Google mobilizer to make it easy, but you can enter any path to a known mobilizer. Be sure to include '%@' in the format string where the actual URL goes. Your mileage may vary!
OmniFocus Integration: send tweets or links to OmniFocus by choosing OmniFocus in Settings -> Link Saving Service - of course, OmniFocus must be installed, and remember, it will quit Twittelator and launch OmniFocus.
Better Maps: Getting a map of a latitude/longitude will now show the placename in the title of the map. Plus you get a new option to Search Nearby that place. TIP: press and hold to do a Nearyby search as well.
Search People: in User Details or from Search -> Find People will look for both people's names and their twitter names for better coverage.
API: You can launch Twittelator with a search like this: twit:///search?q=twittelator More info on the Twittelator Api
Copy Tweet: in Options after tapping name in Tweet, you can now scroll long tweets. Tap and hold to get the Select menu, drag out to copy the portion of the tweet you want.
Superlists: in Search -> Find Lists as you browse through topics, the top entry is a Superlist or a list made of the top tweeters in that category.
By popular demand, new emojis:
Dedicated Browser: a persistent Browse Web category where you can surf, google and gather links to tweet.
Autosaved Movies: movies you film in Twittelator are not only uploaded, but saved to your Photos Library as well.
Paste Images: copy images from other apps like SMS or in Twittelator's Avatar & Photo Viewing windows, and paste them via Media button in Tweet window to upload pasted image with your tweet.
Media Uploads won't time out: we make sure your movie, audio or image has uploaded.
Finding Lists Enhanced: find interesting lists to join via topic and sub topic, or via search using our TList's integration - or find a random list via Feeling Lucky. Search -> Find Lists
Filter searches to your language: option to narrow tweets to your language (based on the order of your languages in Apple's Settings app, International, Language). Turn on in Settings
Tweet the playing song and album art: Tap media button in Compose, choose "Playing Song Info". If it has art, it's automatically included - you can tap the media button again to rid the media.
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Drag down top tweet to refresh: pull down on top tweet to reveal new refresher controls. When it says 'Release to Refresh', release. You cancel by dragging back up before releasing. |
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Drag up on last tweet to get more: in a like manner, you can get more tweets by pulling up on the bottom tweet.
Update your bio: in My Profile, tap your bio info to go to a panel where you can edit your bio, location, and name that appears in tweets. Remember, tap your avatar to change the photo.
Geotag Pin now appears right on the tweet that has one - tap it to see the map of where it came from:
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Show Only Geotagged Tweets in Nearby option in settings so you get only bona fide geotagged tweets as opposed to Locations that are also near.
Movapic and TweetPhoto photos appear in line with the other inline photo services
Search -> Find People lets you find people by their real name, just like Twitter's People Search.
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#hashtags when you tap paperclip, give you an option to see the definition of that hashtag |
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Email Tweet option now lets you also email entire list of tweets, and they are sent with avatar and links in a rich format
Options is cleaner and contains Save Tweets button. Swipe right to bring up options
Swipe Left to bring up User details of tweeter or anyone mentioned.
Reply All: tap avatar in a tweet with mentions and tap new action "Reply All"
Trends -> What the Trend? explains just why a trend is trending - very useful & interesting!
User details -> Services introduces 5 services:
FollowCost, TweetBlocker, Tweeteorites and favstar - check 'em out!
Find tweets Nearby to anywhere!
Search -> Nearby, tap toolbar, enter location
Tap and hold any map to find tweets from there!
Report As Spammer option in User Details, Mute
Change your Avatar anytime! Just tap your own picture in "My Profile" to choose photo.
Tap link icon to see entire TwitLonger (tl.gd) right in the tweet itself!
Find Great Lists and Tweeters via TList! Access from Lists or Search: |
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New for 3.3: Custom Themes you make & share See Search ⟿ Find Themes to see every tweeted theme & search them too! Just tap Paperclip to install one.
Search Nearby Tweets on Google Maps!turn it on in Settings under GPS Options: |
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HINT: Tap on the top tool bar for new search or different location. Tap & hold does new search. |
New, juicier application icon!
Note: you need iPhone OS version 3.0 or greater to run Twittelator Pro Version 3.1! Use iTunes to update.
Record/Tweet Video on 3G[S]
Record/Tweet Audio
Choose upload services separately:
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If you choose TwitVid as your video upload, you can also configure co-Posting of your video to YouTube - tap the YouTube button to configure - be sure to enter a valid YouTube username and password. You can turn on and off the co-posting of video with the On-Off switch! |
New Features in v3.0.1:
Copy image option in Big Avatar view & large Photo view
User detail shows date they joined Twitter If a link is a Google map, it's opened in the Maps interface Snapshots are automatically saved to Photo Gallery ReadItLater displays the tweet that the link came from Uploading continues next launch if you quit during upload |
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4. Tap Done when done. TOC |
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User Details
Learn all about a user, their friends and followers, and start following and bookmark. Note: if they are following you, you'll see the DM (Private Message) button and you can DM them! |
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One of Twittelator Pro’s most powerful features is the ability to search the Twitterverse and have those searches be persistent for instant recall later. If you use Search a lot, you might want to Configure it to the main Tab Bar! For simple search, just tap the Search Bar, enter your query and tap Search on the keyboard. For advanced, tap the • • • icon: |
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To find tweeters nearby, tap “Nearby”. You’ll learn more about configuring nearby searches below - radius is taken by last value used in Advanced location search.
As your searches build up, you can tap “Edit” to delete or reorganize them.
Advanced Search gives you access to the entire search.twitter.com API in a compact form.
Notice the top searchbar and second search field have the ability to search different ways:
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All means each word in the search query must appear in the found tweets. Exact means tweets must match exactly, None means not in tweet, and Any means all tweets which have any of the words in the search.
Use the second textfield to look for tweets About, To, From any given tweeter. Use Tags to search for hashtags like #twiku
Did you know that tweets with #hashtags have the PaperClip active - tapping it causes a new search on that #hashtag for you!
You can get more precision or generality by tapping the “Location” choice from Dates Location Options and entering the radius of the search. Tap the Miles text to toggle to Kilometers if you prefer. Switching on “Nearby Current Location” adds your current location to the search options. Remember, you get most accurate searches by waiting about a minute after you launch Twittelator Pro! Future “Nearby” searches use these values. |
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Options lets you look for tweets with Positive opinions (happy face / smiley ;-) :-] ) tweets and Negative opinions (unhappy face / frowny :<[ |
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Link returns tweets with links in them, and ??? tweets with one or more questions in them. |
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The bottom category in More is Misc. People ask us all the time, what is that for? Actually, it’s a placeholder for searches, stocks, trends, favorites, and other people’s tweets - that’s where the tweets from those requests end up. |
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If you add Misc to your Tab Bar, and then run a Stock search and you turn Autofresh on, you can get constant updates on that stock, search or trend: |
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This turns Twittelator Pro into a real time feed machine! Whenever you launch Twittelator, any item on the Tab Bar is refreshed automatically. |
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These are added freshly each session with Twittelator - use Bookmarks for persistence between sessions. |
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Settings unlock the true power of Twittelator Pro because they give you the tools to customize the app to your own personal tastes, needs & desires. When you first start Twittelator Pro, you’ll see the Settings tab in position 4 to the left of More: |
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You may want to free up this valuable real estate on the Tab Bar by Customizing Tab Bar with your Lists or a search or who knows?
You can see the version of Twittelator Pro and get instant access to this Help page at the top:
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Throw me a lifeline, @twittelator!
Select how many tweets you want loaded at launch and each refresh (although Twittelator optimizes the call to the server by only grabbing tweets since the newest one already downloaded): |
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For faster launches, choose 20 - you can always tap “more” button to get more! Choosing 200 can make things a bit sluggish - it’s a trade off. Hint for iPod Touch users: set it to 200 when you are connected via Wireless, refresh all cateogories, and then you can read while you are traveling and not connected to the internet by Saving Tweets
Searches also can be set between 20-100 tweets:
Tweet Themes are useful for different lighting conditions - indoors: Gray, outside: Dove, nighttime: Raven. You can design and share you own custom themes by tapping More: |
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Tapping More brings up the Theme Chooser - tap a theme once to use, tap it again to begin editing it: |
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Tap Tweet to share this theme with others - it will create a new compose window with the theme's representation. You can quickly revert to the 3 standard themes by tapping gray, dove or raven.
To edit the order of the themes and delete themes, tap Edit in the top bar. To make a new theme, tap +. This will bring up the Theme Editor:
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The theme updates as you choose fonts, fontsize or colors - tap and drag to pick a color: |
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Tap Done when you are happy - and don't forget to Tweet your theme to share with others!
Themes tweeted from friends appear in their full glory in your timeline:
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Tap Paperclip or Tap and Hold to install this theme: |
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You are given an option to cancel (revert), or go to Settings to choose another theme. |
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Yfrog formats photos nicely. Both Moby and Pikchur.com’s advantages are 1. they can GeoTag your photo if you have Auto Update Location on, 2. they also allow posting to other sites like FriendsFeed and Facebook (visit their sites to configure broadcasting to other social networks), and 3 They allow private photos attached to DM’s. Moby also supports Audio & Video. TwitGoo & TweetPhoto are new and hot! TwitPic is an old standby but gets busy. If one is not responding and you get an error message, you are automatically given a choice of another service. You are notified when the media and tweet are finished uploading - tap refresh to see it in your Friends timeline! Tap to change a service:
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Drag to service you want or tap edge to cancel: |
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YouTube Info lets you set user/password info so TwitVid, if selected as video service, will co-upload the video to YouTube.
Other Services lets you configure your bit.ly account and your WordPress location for uploading photos to your own WordPress site with the TweetPress PlugIn. |
Image Options lets you choose to upload full resolution photos (warning - this can take a long time on the edge network! Faster on WiFi). |
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Twittelator Pro caches your friends’ avatars to reduce network usage and increase speed on launch and display. However, if they replace their avatar and use the same old name for the image, then you might see an out of date avatar. Simply tap the Clear Image Cache button to start anew.
GPS & Location lets iPhone users take advantage of some great features. To totally disable GPS, turn off the Use GPS switch. |
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Auto Update Location will set your twitter profile’s location field whenever you launch Twittelator - this is good so nearby tweeters can find you! Heck, the government knows where you are, why not let your friends know too?
Placenames attempts to provide the location with the name of your neighborhood, village or city as well as the state. Not always perfect, it’s a bit more readable than raw Lattitude/Longitude which are most accurate.
Load Map On Launch might be useful if you are tweeting your location as you move about. As soon as it gets a good GPS location, a new tweet is composed with a link to the Google map of your location, handily shortened via your choice of Link Shortening Service. |
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La opción 'Grupos' se encuentra ahora dentro de la pestaña 'Más'.
Pulsa en el nombre del @usuario para: responder, enviar un privado, copiar o hacer un retweet.
Pulsa en la imagen del @usuario para obtener información acerca del mismo.
Pulsa en el 'clip' para abrir los enlaces, las imágenes, las #etiquetas y las ¢acciones.
Si quieres seguir una conversación, pulsa en la burbuja (bocadillo).
Para agregar a un tweeter a la pestaña 'Recientes', mantén pulsado hasta que resalte.
Si te interesa marcar como favorito o eliminar un tweet, mantén pulsado durante un segundo hasta que aparezcan las opciones indicadas.
Haz una doble pulsación en los tweets inferiores para bajar la página.
Pulsa la barra superior para subir la página.
Realiza una doble pulsación en la barra superior para hacer que la página se deslice hacia arriba (scroll).
Pulsa la pestaña 'Más' y seguidamente 'Editar' para reorganizar la barra de la pantalla principal.
Pulsa 'Ayuda' para saber más o accede siempre que quieras desde la pestaña 'Opciones'.
Mit komplett überarbeitetem GUI, Querformat-Tweeting (Landscape), superschnellem Ladevorgang, und komplett konfigurierbar: 'Gruppen' sind jetzt unter 'Mehr' zu finden
Erklärung der Grundfunktionen:
Antworten, Nachricht senden, kopieren, ReTweet, Email senden, zu Favoriten hinzufügen, zu Instapaper senden, löschen (nur für eigene Tweets):
Name des Tweeters antippen
Details des Tweeters oder @users im Text:
Links, Bilder, #Tags, $Kurse aufrufen:
Um einer Konversation zu folgen:
"Sprechblase" antippen, falls vorhanden
Tweeter zum Verlauf hinzufügen:
Tippen und halten bis er hervorgehoben wird
Seitenweise nach unten scrollen:
Doppel-Tipp auf untere Tweets
Seitenweise nach oben scrollen:
Doppel-Tipp auf Titelleiste
Auf "Mehr" und dann auf "Bearbeiten" tippen, um die Haupt-Leiste am unteren Rand zu bearbeiten.
Für weitere Infos "Hilfe" antippen (auch im Menü "Optionen")
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